On Wednesday, 6 May 2020 08:36:28 BST David Redondo wrote:
> Hi,
> are you sure you can distribute your games under BSD? I see there is a file
> called CREDITS in the repo:
> >Credits for Abstract Games:
> >
> >- The source and icons used by tictactoe are from the Qt tic-tac-toe
> >example. - The samegame is entirely from the Qt samegame example.
> >- The icons used by these games come from the Papirus team.
> >- The icons used by bots are from from KDE killbots.
> >- The icons used by igo are from the KDE kigo.
> >- The chess engine came from the CPW chess engine.
> >- The icons for jetfighter and for frogger come from the Papirus team.
> - Qt examples are licensed  under a BSD 3-Clause license [1]
> - Papirus is licensed as GPLv3 [2]
> - killbots and kigo are GPLv2 [3][4]
> - for cpw I can't find a license at all [5]
> [1] https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/examples-license.html
> [2]
> https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme/blob/master/
> [3] https://cgit.kde.org/killbots.git/tree/COPYING
> [4] https://cgit.kde.org/kigo.git/tree/COPYING
> [5] https://github.com/nescitus/cpw-engine

CPW is described as "public domain" in its README.md, so that should be ok.

(I know the concept is poorly-defined in some jurisdictions, hence CC0 and 
similar, but that seems academic here).

The icon situation could be resolved by including separate licenses for the 
icons only (since the code is clearly not a derived work of them), or by 
asking the Breeze folks to draw some replacements.

The Qt examples code is more of an issue; 3-clause BSD can be relicensed to 
GPL but I believe not to 2-clause BSD?


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