
Am Sat, 31 Oct 2020 16:38:09 +0100
schrieb Thomas Baumgart <t...@net-bembel.de>:
> Reading your question over and over, I don't see where git is
> mentioned :) This leads to a short answer: self-discipline.
> My impression is that you look for a some magic feature in git that
> forces you to clean up in time. Not sure if something like that
> exists.

fair enough. And yes, I am looking for some magic feature in git. If
that doesn't yet exist, then how about adding a hook (server-side) that
will reject any commit containing "NOPUSH" (or whatever) in the commit
message, though?

Of course, if I'm the only one to be this sloppy, I'll have to resort
to the knots-in-the-handkerchief-method, after all...


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