El dijous, 6 de gener de 2022, a les 23:29:15 (CET), Sven Brauch va escriure:
> Hi,
> On 1/6/22 18:56, Nicolás Alvarez wrote:
> > There is a time and place to teach kids about the complexity of gender
> > and I don't think an exercise about arithmetic/counting is the right
> > place.
> Additionally, there is also a time and place to discuss gender identity 
> topics, but the kde-devel mailing list thread about GCompris' usage of 
> the KDE i18n API is not that time and place.

I disagree, let's try not to shut down our fellow community members trying to 
make our software better in the name of "this was not what we were speaking of".

Sure, it was not, but the original concern is solved, if there's other things 
that can be improved, why not do it?


> Best,
> Sven

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