
My name is Sathya Kovour, I am part of Baxter International, a medical device 
We come across NetworkManagerQt 
https://marketplace.qt.io/products/networkmanagerqt, and we have a few 
questions while we are making decision to use this very convenient modules in 
our project.

  *   As per above link this project is accessible for us with LGPL v2.1+.  
According to our legal department this is very restrictive for our distribution 
scenarios.  I am wondering if you offer any additional licenses for this 
project to be used in our commercial setup without copy left clause.
  *   I understand Linux Network Manager 1.16 support WPA3, does 
NetworkManagerQt enables us to use WPA3 capabilities if we have a compatible 
network manager installed on our embedded system?

A quick reply is highly appreciated.


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