El dimarts, 30 de juny de 2020, a les 22:17:56 CEST, Johan Ouwerkerk va 
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 7:32 PM Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > If an application was relying on the random application sequence, it
> > > probably has bigger problems.
> >
> > Why? It's exactly what KRandomSequence (and QRandomGenerator) promise to do.
> >
> > And at least on KPat this is really useful.
> >
> > You can directly seed the random generator from the "Create new game" UI, 
> > so if there's a bug found in say game 1232145345, you can tell me that and 
> > then everyone can reproduce that bug since starting game 1232145345 gives 
> > everyone the same random numbers.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >   Albert
> >
> As I read it, the only thing that could change is that KRandomSequence
> and QRandomGenerator will produce different outputs for the same seed
> value because the underlying PRNG may be different. So that might
> introduce a backwards incompatible change if you rely on the output of
> the sequence remaining stable between two versions of KPat. However,
> seeding it with a fixed value and then consuming the sequence should
> remain fully reproducible between two instances of the *same* KPat
> version.

Correct :)


> Regards,
> - Johan

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