On Friday 25 April 2014 15:14:46 you wrote:

> > * there was the plasma shell: has been removed and moved to
> > plasma-workspace, decreasing dependencies
> Moving plasma-framework to frameworks means that we will loose flexibility
> since we won't be able to break api/abi.

that's exactly why i want it there, and the fact that is a framework has been 
decided like, 3 years ago?

> So, do we really have to move it there? Imho would be prudent to keep it


> somewhere else where api/abi stability is not mandatory.

that's exactly the reason why libplasmaquick doesn't install any header, that 
doesn't have committed compatibility, for sure I don't want any api/abi change 
whatsoever in libplasma, and for sure not in any qml component.

> Also, right now there is only one user of this framework (plasma-desktop), I
> would wait until at least we have 2 more shells based on it to commit to
> any stability.

the user of libplasma doesn't have anything to do being a shell
the user of any of its qml components doesn't have anything in being a shell.

I want us to be mature enough to commit to some stability.
If we can't commit to this minimum level of discipline, I wouldn't expect 
anybobody else to take it seriously in any way.
I wouldn't even manage to encourage with a straight face anyone to ever write 
a 3rd party plasmoid.

Marco Martin
Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list

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