mgallien added a comment.

  In, @cullmann wrote:
  > Just my 2 cents from the sideline:
  > 1. baloo is unmaintained and the bugs pile up, just check for 
that, not sure if adding yet-an-other feature to it is a good idea
  > 2. as vhanda said, perhaps better use other API for that
  Those APIs are not free and takes some kernel resources.
  > I tried to replace baloo with tracker, see but failed out of time 
(searching works, but not all API), that won't support such things anyways.
  I was hoping to support the same file indexer that Plasma is using hence my 
work on Baloo. On my roadmap, I plan to also support Tracker.
  For Windows and Android, I have implemented an indexer with Qt + 
KFileMetaData APIs. I was just hoping that Baloo would provide live refresh of 
queries. I have to check if Tracker does it or not.

  R293 Baloo


To: mgallien, vhanda
Cc: cullmann, apol, #frameworks

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