ngraham added a comment.

  In D12591#256212 <>, @rkflx wrote:
  > In D12591#255639 <>, 
@elvisangelaccio wrote:
  > > > While the submenu itself is not advertised in the API docs, it was 
publicly accessible
  > >
  > > Where? Isn't it a member of `KDirOperator::Private`? (I'm referring to 
  > That was my first thought too, but unfortunately it leaks out via the 
`actionCollection()`. See my patch to K3b (D12598 
<>), where it was used that way. I'd rather 
not break third-party users I don't know about…
  >  ---
  > In D12591#255732 <>, @ngraham 
  > > One thought: with this patch, there will be two disabled and inapplicable 
items in the menu when you're not using Short View, which might confuse people. 
Might be appropriate to only show them for Short View.
  > Isn't not confusing people what the "disabled state" is there for, compared 
to making widgets invisible? At least that's how it's done in most other 
places: Disable options which don't apply. Granted, the connection to Short 
View is a bit hard to discover, but that was the case before the patch too 
(even more so).
  > Nevertheless, I'll hold of with the patch for now. Another more radical way 
forward would be to merge Next and Above as two separate View modes like in 
Dolphin (and get rid of the rest?). Seems like we need more discussion about 
the modes in general, let's do that in T8552 
  +1, would approve. I've commented there.

  R241 KIO


To: rkflx, #frameworks, ngraham
Cc: ngraham, elvisangelaccio, michaelh, bruns

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