smithjd added a comment.

  In D15718#330864 <>, @ngraham wrote:
  > Making files executable that don't need to be executable is a bad security 
habit. What if the contents get replaced with something malicious? Suddenly 
that now-malicious file has execute permissions.
  Replacing a file's contents requires write permissions on the file. I have 
plenty of executable shell scripts that aren't an immediate security risk, 
though I suppose if someone gained write privileges over my home statistically 
speaking a shell script is (currently) the most likely choice to gut and 
replace with malicious code. If an attacker already has write permission over 
your home you have bigger problems than a forgotten set-executable file in it 
somewhere anyway. The patched state of that machine's software packages 
dictates how devastating that payload was to your administrator, meanwhile your 
home has probably been wiped.
  >  ---
  > Conceptually, you are proposing that the rest of the world adapt to our 
software, rather than the other way around. That's simply not practical. Even 
if this were a good idea, the world will never adapt to us. We must adapt to 
the world. Our software does not exist in a perfect state of total control over 
the environment it inhabits; it exists to facilitate busy people with messy 
lives as they work to accomplish their tasks with a minimum of hassle. That 
goal is not enhanced by breaking KDE Plasma's search tool for them unless they 
give all of their files execute permissions.
  > Sorry, no go. We need to find a better way.

  R293 Baloo


To: smithjd, ngraham, #baloo
Cc: bruns, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, #baloo, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, 
astippich, spoorun, abrahams

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