bruns added inline comments.


> taglibwritertest.cpp:60
> -    QCOMPARE(extractedTitle, QStringLiteral("Title1"));
> -    QCOMPARE(extractedArtist, QStringLiteral("Artist1"));
> -    QCOMPARE(extractedAlbum, QStringLiteral("Album1"));
> +    QCOMPARE(extractedTitle, QString(QStringLiteral("Title1") + 
> stringSuffix.toUtf8()));
> +    QCOMPARE(extractedArtist, QString(QStringLiteral("Artist1") + 
> stringSuffix.toUtf8()));

I don't think it is a good idea to do a `stringSuffix.toUtf8().fromUtf8()` 
round trip here for each test case and for each tag.

> taglibwritertest.cpp:73
>  {
> +    QString unicodeTestStringSuffix = QStringLiteral("€");
>      QTest::addColumn<QString>("fileType");

If safeguarding against bad editors is really necessary, better do it here.
Alternatively, you can use C++11 unicode string literals, e.g.
If you save that one as e.g. latin1 and try to compile it, gcc reports:

  error: converting to execution character set: Invalid or incomplete multibyte 
or wide character
       QString a{u"�"};

  R286 KFileMetaData


To: astippich, mgallien, bruns
Cc: smithjd, svuorela, kde-frameworks-devel, #baloo, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, 
astippich, spoorun, ngraham, bruns, abrahams

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