kossebau added a comment.

  In D16882#360857 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D16882#360857>, @rjvbb wrote:
  > Re-opening because I found an actual flaw in KDevelop after noticing that 
context menu duplication still occurred when only the active view receives the 
aboutToShowContextMenu signal.
  > The `addedContextMenu` member exists because `"we want to remove the added 
stuff when the menu hides"`. This should of course read "when the menu reopens 
in again, possibly in a different view".
  Good find, that seems indeed broken.
  > The flaw here is that the design forgets that the context menu instance is 
shared among views. It expects `d->addedContextMenu` to exist and contain the 
QMenu added by a previous view, but this cannot be the case in the current 
implementation where the variable is only allocated when the menu is first 
opened in a given view.
  I would see the flaw also in that there is no specification in the 
KTextEditor API how the context menu is shared/reused. 
`KTextEditor::View::contextMenu()` talks about "the xmlgui menu" or custom set 
"context menu object", but no hint/promise whether there is any instance 
sharing done, e.g. between views for the same document or even across all views 
in the same process(?).
  > If the `addedContextMenu` is to be removed in JIT-fashion before reopening 
the context menu, it should be a static variable.
  That might be a way, yes.
  Before though I would like to have it first sorted out with the KTextEditor 
people what to expect here and whether the API dox could resolve that 
undefinedness. Given the current implementation kdevelop-side I would not be 
surprised if KTextEditor changed implementation here, but needs to be explored. 
The proposed fix relies on the current implementation, which is a bit fragile.
  Another option might be to link up to the menu being closed and clean up 
then, as the comment on the `addedContextMenu` member claimed. (personally 
preferred to clean up right after use). 
  Also needs to be explored if there once was such an implementation and why it 
has been removed. Might do in the next days.

  R32 KDevelop


To: rjvbb, #kdevelop, kossebau
Cc: kossebau, kde-frameworks-devel, kdevelop-devel, glebaccon, antismap, 
iodelay, vbspam, geetamc, Pilzschaf, akshaydeo, surgenight, arrowd

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