leinir added a comment.

  In D20693#454783 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D20693#454783>, @sitter wrote:
  > LGTM on a technical level. On a visual level also +1 because I hate that 
drop shadow with a fierce passion.
  > @leinir lxr says a similar thumb is also used for some of the KAboutPerson 
stuff in kxmlgui. it may be prudent to also remove the thumb there, I expect it 
looks equally dated.
  Hmm, certainly worth a look. It'll be less terminally broken than this is, 
though, as there is more tight control over the content being used there. At 
the same time, though, i imagine there will be a non-zero number of 
non-rectangular images used for those avatars as well, so... yeah, probably 
makes good sense to retire this particular bit of heavily assumption based 
design ;)

  R304 KNewStuff


To: leinir, #knewstuff, ngraham, sitter, #vdg
Cc: ndavis, kde-frameworks-devel, #knewstuff, michaelh, ZrenBot, ngraham, bruns

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