leinir added a comment.

  In D20693#454799 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D20693#454799>, @sitter wrote:
  > In D20693#454750 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D20693#454750>, @leinir wrote:
  > > So yes, in principle i'd certainly like there to be some kind of 
background or outline to suggest clickability, but the current state (and any 
other generic rectangular background we might come up with, higher resolution 
or not) would yield the same suboptimal result...
  > QGraphicsDropShadowEffect via QWidget::setGraphicsEffect may work for that?
  > Another approach would likely be to write a custom blur implementation 
since we fiddle with qpainter anyway, TBH I think finding a way to use the 
effect is likely the wise use of time though.
  Yes, using the dropshadoweffect certainly seems like the more appropriate way 
of doing this (given appropriate bounding areas and whatnot).
  > Or... you know... rewrite the entire dialog in qml ;)
  Yes, rewriting in Qt Quick would also be good, and i kind of want to do 
that... though it's going to need a not inconsiderable amount of thought when 
it comes to design, which... i believe @ngraham had thoughts on this a while 
back, or perhaps the VDG?

  R304 KNewStuff


To: leinir, #knewstuff, ngraham, sitter, #vdg
Cc: ndavis, kde-frameworks-devel, #knewstuff, michaelh, ZrenBot, ngraham, bruns

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