ahmadsamir added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in kkeysequencewidget.cpp:127
> Still unsure what you mean with the constness, as the QHash `shortcuts` has 
> been const all the time, and thus the access methods and its returned 
> references.  If you meant the initially proposed `const QKeySequence &seq = 
> it.key();` that was just an alias reference to something const ref before 
> (`it.key()`), whose idea was to not touch the other existing code as well as 
> make it more obvious to the code reader what `it.key()` is. It did not change 
> any constness.
> Back to your original comment:
> So here my 2 penny collected over decades: avoid that. One change/aspect at a 
> time. No additional clean-up., as basic as it is (even no whitespace changes, 
>  unless line touched anyway).
> - The commit message might miss to mention that change, or make it more 
> complicated to read because it lists all the while-at-it changes.
> - There are no obvious changes, unless documented. What is clear to the 
> commit creator, might be unclear to the commit reader, as they have another 
> context
> - Line-wise commit annotation mark-up will be set for lines which are changed 
> while not relevant for the actual main change (which only would be mentioned 
> in the commit message first line/title)
> - One is concentrated on the main change, and might miss important details 
> relevant to that other change, and introduce regressions.
> You may discard these 2 penny of mine, but let's talk again in some years ;) 
> Better though ask the search engine for what other people recommend as best 
> commit practice & compare. Still you are free to collect your own experience: 
> if young people only did what old people tell them, new discoveries would 
> never be made ;) But most of the times...

I do try to keep commits atomic, and detail my changes in the commit message. 
(And no, I won't discard your 2 pennies, I am too poor, experience-wise, to 
afford that). What I should have done was read the code starting at the top, 
where shortcuts is declared const. Anyway thanks for explaining things, that's 
always appreciated. :)

  R263 KXmlGui


To: kossebau, dfaure
Cc: ahmadsamir, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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