если кто-то взял в проверку, тормозните, пожалуйста. Сегодня все-таки ответил разработчик. Будет вносить изменения в код программы. Как будет готов новый русскоязычный .po файл - дам знать.

С уважением,
Ольга Миронова

-------- Перенаправленное сообщение --------
Тема: Перевод Minuet
Дата: Fri, 9 Feb 2018 16:02:58 +0300
От: Ольга Миронова <om...@basealt.ru>
Кому: kde-russian@lists.kde.ru

Всем привет!

Сделала перевод интерфейса программы Minuet. Файл minuet.po прилагается. На мой вопрос по терминологии разработчики, к сожалению, не ответили. Но я прогнала все виды упражнений, предлагаемых программой, и терминологию утрясла. Использовала буквенноцифровые обозначения, принятые во всём мире, без пословной расшифровки названия каждого музыкального аккорда.
Если есть замечания и комментарии - пишите.

С уважением,
Ольга Миронова.

# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Alexander Potashev <aspotas...@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Olga Mironova <om...@basealt.ru>, 2018.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n";
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-13 02:49+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-09 09:53+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Olga Mironova <om...@basealt.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <kde-russian@lists.kde.ru>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n"
"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n"

#, kde-format
msgid "Your names"
msgstr "Ольга Миронова"

#, kde-format
msgid "Your emails"
msgstr "om...@basealt.ru"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Aeolian"
msgstr "Эолийский"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Altered Chords"
msgstr "Альтерированные аккорды"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Ascending Melodic Intervals"
msgstr "Восходящие мелодические интервалы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Augmented"
msgstr "Увеличенная"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Augmented Inverse"
msgstr "Увеличенная с обращением"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Bebop Dominant"
msgstr "Доминантный бибоп"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Dorian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Bebop Dorian"
msgstr "Дорийский бибоп"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Locrian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Bebop Locrian"
msgstr "Локрийский бибоп"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Bebop Major"
msgstr "Мажорный бибоп"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Bebop Minor"
msgstr "Минорный бибоп"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Bebop Scales"
msgstr "Гаммы бибоп"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Chords"
msgstr "Аккорды"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Chords with 7 in their name"
msgstr "Аккорды с 7 в названии"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Chords with 9 in their name"
msgstr "Аккорды а 9 в названии"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Descending Melodic Intervals"
msgstr "Нисходящие мелодические интервалы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Diminished"
msgstr "Уменьшенный"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Diminished and Augmented Chords"
msgstr "Уменьшенные и увеличенные аккорды"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Seventh"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Diminished H-W"
msgstr "Уменьшенная полутон-тон"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Seventh"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Diminished Seventh"
msgstr "Уменьшенный септаккорд"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Seventh"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Diminished W-H"
msgstr "Уменьшенная тон-полутон"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Dominant 7"
msgstr "Доминантсептаккорд"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Dorian"
msgstr "Дорийский"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Dorian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Dorian b5"
msgstr "Дорийский b5"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Easy"
msgstr "Легкий"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "eighth-dot-sixteenth"
msgstr "восьмая с точкой-шестнадцатая"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "eighth-eighth"
msgstr "восьмая-восьмая"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "eighth-sixteenth-sixteenth"
msgstr "восьмая-шестнадцатая-шестнадцатая"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Fourths and Fifths"
msgstr "Кварты и квинты"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Fourths and Fifths"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Fourths, Fifths, and Octave"
msgstr "Кварты, квинты и октава"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Half Diminished Seventh"
msgstr "Полууменьшенный септаккорд"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Intervals"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Harmonic Intervals"
msgstr "Гармонические интервалы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Harmonic Major"
msgstr "Гармонический мажор"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Harmonic Major Scale and its Modes"
msgstr "Гаммы и лады гармонического мажора"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Harmonic Minor"
msgstr "Гармонический минор"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Harmonic Minor Scale and its Modes"
msgstr "Гаммы и лады гармонического минора"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Hear the chord and then choose an answer from options below"
msgstr "Прослушайте аккорд и выберите вариант ответа"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Hear the interval and then choose an answer from options below"
msgstr "Прослушайте интервал и выберите вариант ответа"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Hear the rhythm and then choose an answer from options below"
msgstr "Прослушайте ритмический отрезок и выберите вариант ответа"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Hear the scale and then choose an answer from options below"
msgstr "Прослушайте гамму и выберите один вариант ответа"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Intervals"
msgstr "Интервалы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Ionian"
msgstr "Ионийский"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Ionian Augmented"
msgstr "Увеличенный ионийский"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Locrian"
msgstr "Локрийский"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Locrian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Locrian #6"
msgstr "Локрийский #6"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Locrian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Locrian bb7"
msgstr "Локрийский bb7"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Lydian"
msgstr "Лидийский"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Lydian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Lydian #2"
msgstr "Лидийский #2"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Lydian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Lydian #2 #5"
msgstr "Лидийский #2 #5"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Lydian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Lydian b3"
msgstr "Лидийский b3"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major"
msgstr "Мажорный"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 7"
msgstr "7"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 7(#5)"
msgstr "7(#5)"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 7(#5/b9)"
msgstr "7(#5/b9)"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 7(#9)"
msgstr "7(#9)"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 7(b5)"
msgstr "7(b5)"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 7(b9)"
msgstr "7(b9)"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 7(b9) and Major maj7(9) Chords"
msgstr "Большие и малые нонаккорды"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major 9"
msgstr "9"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Seventh"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Fourteenth"
msgstr "Большая квартдецима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major maj7"
msgstr "maj7"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major maj7(9)"
msgstr "9maj7"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major maj7(b5)"
msgstr "maj7(b5)"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Ninth"
msgstr "Большая нона"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Pentatonic"
msgstr "Мажорная пентатоника"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Scale and its Modes"
msgstr "Мажорная гамма и лады"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Second"
msgstr "Большая секунда"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Seventh"
msgstr "Большая септима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Seventh, Diminished Seventh, and Half Diminished Seventh Chords"
msgstr "Малые, уменьшенные и полууменьшенные септаккорды"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Sixth"
msgstr "Большая секста"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Tenth"
msgstr "Большая децима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Third"
msgstr "Большая терция"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Major Thirteenth"
msgstr "Большая терцдецима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Man Gong"
msgstr "Man Gong"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Средний"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor"
msgstr "Минорный"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor 7"
msgstr "m7"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor 7 and Dominant 7 Chords"
msgstr "Минорные септаккорды и доминантсептаккорд"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor 9"
msgstr "m9"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor 9 and Major 9 Chords"
msgstr "Минорные и мажорные нонаккорды"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor and Major Chords"
msgstr "Минорные и мажорные аккорды"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Ninth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Fourteenth"
msgstr "Малая квартдецима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor maj7"
msgstr "m/maj7"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor, Major, Diminished, and Augmented Chords"
msgstr "Малые, большие, уменьшенные и увеличенные аккорды"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Ninth"
msgstr "Малая нона"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Pentatonic"
msgstr "Минорная пентатоника"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Second"
msgstr "Малая секунда"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Seventh"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Seventh"
msgstr "Малая септима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Sixth"
msgstr "Малая секста"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Major Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Tenth"
msgstr "Малая децима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Third"
msgstr "Малая терция"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Third"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Minor Thirteenth"
msgstr "Малая терцдецима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Mixolydian"
msgstr "Миксолидийский"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Mixolydian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Mixolydian b9"
msgstr "Миксолидийский b9"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Ninths"
msgstr "Ноны"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Octave + Tritone"
msgstr "Октава + тритон"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Pentatonic Major Scale and its Modes"
msgstr "Пентатоника и её лады"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Perfect Fourth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Perfect Double Octave"
msgstr "Чистая квинтдецима"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Perfect Fifth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Perfect Eleventh"
msgstr "Чистая ундецима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Perfect Fifth"
msgstr "Чистая квинта"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Perfect Fourth"
msgstr "Чистая кварта"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Perfect Fifth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Perfect Octave"
msgstr "Чистая октава"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Perfect Fifth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Perfect Twelfth"
msgstr "Чистая дуодецима"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Phrygian"
msgstr "Фригийский"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Phrygian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Phrygian b4"
msgstr "Фригийский b4"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Phrygian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Phrygian Dominant"
msgstr "Фригийский доминантный"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "quarter"
msgstr "четверть"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Rhythm"
msgstr "Ритм"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Ritusen"
msgstr "Ritusen"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Ionian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Румынский"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Root Position"
msgstr "Основное положение"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Scales"
msgstr "Гаммы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "Секунды"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Seconds and Thirds"
msgstr "Секунды и терции"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Second to 15th"
msgstr "От секунды до квинтдецимы"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Second to Octave"
msgstr "От секунды до октавы"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Tenth"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Second to Tenth"
msgstr "От секунды до децимы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Sevenths"
msgstr "Септимы"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Fourths and Fifths"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Sevenths and Ninths"
msgstr "Септимы и ноны"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "sixteenth-eighth-dot"
msgstr "шестнадцатая-восьмая с точкой"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "sixteenth-eighth-sixteenth"
msgstr "шестнадцатая-восьмая-шестнадцатая"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "sixteenth-sixteenth-eighth"
msgstr "шестнадцатая-шестнадцатая-восьмая"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "sixteenth-sixteenth-sixteenth-sixteenth"
msgstr "шестнадцатая-шестнадцатая-шестнадцатая-шестнадцатая"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Sixths"
msgstr "Сексты"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Seventh"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Sixths and Sevenths"
msgstr "Сексты и септимы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Suspended Pentatonic"
msgstr "Пентатоника sus"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Symmetric Scales"
msgstr "Симметричные гаммы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Tenths"
msgstr "Децимы"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Thirds"
msgstr "Терции"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Tritone"
msgstr "Тритон"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Minor Seventh"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Tritone and Sevenths"
msgstr "Тритон и септимы"

#, kde-format
#| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#| msgid "Locrian"
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Ultralocrian"
msgstr "Ультра локрийский"

#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Whole Tone"
msgstr "Целотонная"

#: src/app/exercisecontroller.cpp:134
#, kde-format
#| msgid "Couldn't open exercise file \"%1\"."
msgid "Could not open JSON file \"%1\"."
msgstr "Не удалось открыть файл JSON «%1»."

#: src/app/main.cpp:47
#, kde-format
msgid "Minuet"
msgstr "Minuet"

#: src/app/main.cpp:49
#, kde-format
msgid "A KDE application for music education"
msgstr "Приложение KDE для обучения музыке"

#: src/app/main.cpp:51
#, kde-format
msgid "(c) 2016, Sandro S. Andrade (sandroandr...@kde.org)"
msgstr "(c) 2016, Sandro S. Andrade (sandroandr...@kde.org)"

#: src/app/main.cpp:52 src/app/main.cpp:53
#, kde-format
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Разработчик"

#: src/app/main.cpp:54
#, kde-format
msgid "Minuet Icon Designer"
msgstr "Автор значка «Minuet»"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:71
#, kde-format
msgid "Click 'New Question' to start!"
msgstr "Для старта нажмите «Новый вопрос»!"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:100
#, kde-format
msgid "Here is the answer"
msgstr "Правильный ответ"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:100
#, kde-format
#| msgid "Congratulations!<br/>You answered correctly!"
msgid "Congratulations, you answered correctly!"
msgstr "Поздравляем! Вы ответили верно!"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:100
#, kde-format
msgid "Oops, not this time! Try again!"
msgstr "Ой, не получилось! Попробуйте ещё раз!"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:102
#, kde-format
#| msgid "Congratulations!<br/>You answered correctly!"
msgid "You answered correctly %1%"
msgstr "Вы ответили правильно %1%"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:152
#, kde-format
msgid "Question %1 out of %2"
msgstr "Вопрос %1 из %2"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:182
#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "userMessage"
msgstr "userMessage"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:200
#, kde-format
msgid "New Question"
msgstr "Новый вопрос"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:200
#, kde-format
msgid "Play Question"
msgstr "Проиграть вопрос"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:214
#, kde-format
msgid "Give Up"
msgstr "Сдаться"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:239
#, kde-format
msgid "Stop Test"
msgstr "Закончить тест"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:239
#, kde-format
msgid "Start Test"
msgstr "Начать тест"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:252
#, kde-format
msgid "Click 'New Question' to start"
msgstr "Для старта нажмите «Новый вопрос»"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:260
#, kde-format
msgid "Available Answers"
msgstr "Варианты ответов"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:380
#, kde-format
msgid "Your Answer(s)"
msgstr "Ваш ответ"

#: src/app/qml/ExerciseView.qml:404
#, kde-format
msgid "Backspace"
msgstr "Назад"

#: src/app/qml/PianoView/PianoView.qml:103
#, kde-format
msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
msgid "Octave"
msgstr "Октава"

#~ msgid "Sandro S. Andrade"
#~ msgstr "Sandro S. Andrade"

#, fuzzy
#~| msgid "Volume: %1\\%"
#~ msgid "Volume: %1%"
#~ msgstr "Громкость: %1\\%"

# BUGME: please add ellipsis (...) --aspotashev
#~ msgid "Run Configuration Wizard"
#~ msgstr "Запустить мастер настройки..."

#~ msgid "Configuration Wizard"
#~ msgstr "Мастер настройки Minuet"

#~ msgid "Welcome"
#~ msgstr "Добро пожаловать"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This is the first time you run Minuet. This wizard will let you adjust "
#~ "some basic settings, you will be ready to starting enhancing your music "
#~ "skills in a few seconds ..."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Вы запустили Minuet в первый раз. С помощью этого мастера вы можете "
#~ "настроить базовые параметры, чтобы начать пользоваться программой и "
#~ "развить свои музыкальные навыки."

#~ msgid "Checking system"
#~ msgstr "Проверка системы"

#~ msgid "Required for playing MIDI files and exercises"
#~ msgstr "Необходима для воспроизведения файлов MIDI и упражнений"

#~ msgid "TiMidity++ configuration file"
#~ msgstr "Конфигурационный файл TiMidity++"

#~ msgid "Required for setting up TiMidity++"
#~ msgstr "Необходим для настройки TiMidity++"

#, fuzzy
#~| msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#~| msgid "Intervals"
#~ msgctxt "technical term, do you have a musician friend?"
#~ msgid "the interval"
#~ msgstr "Интервалы"

#~ msgid "Volume: 100%"
#~ msgstr "Громкость: 100%"

#~ msgid "Author"
#~ msgstr "Автор"

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