On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Ingo Malchow <imalc...@kde.org> wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 19. März 2013, 22:28:48 schrieb dE .:
> > This release of KDE (4.10.1), is till date the buggiest I've seen.
> >
> > I switched to KDE when it was at 4.4.
> >
> > I personally, don't really mind the bugs, it reminds me how ignorant KDE
> > release team is; KDE was, is and never will be suited for the enterprise
> if
> > it continues these 6 months feature focused release cycles.
> >
> > This mailing list is full of rants and complains and the KDE teams doesnt
> > give a damn.
> This is a KDE user support list. By nature you won't find posts like "Hey,
> plasma is working, can you help me?"...
> But seriously, complaints are always the loudest. Personally i am running
> *with* semantic desktop and kdepim, and it works very smooth. Note, this is
> personal experience in my own workflow and machine. This doesn't reflect
> any
> other situation. Do i ever write to such a list about my happyness with it?
> No. Happy users only rarely write something to mailinglists about thanking
> the
> devs.
> So even if this list is full of complaints, and - let's say - there are
> around
> 10 rants per month, nothing else, how does it compare to some million kde
> users worldwide? not at all. Hope you get the point.
There ain't many bug related complaints about Xfce -- it's a lot more
stable. I personally hardly found any bugs while using it.

> >
> > Again --
> >
> > We DON'T want features pouring@speed of light, we need STABILITY so KDE
> can
> > be _used_ by *common* people.
> >
> > Increase the release cycles to 2 years, or don't have ANY such time
> > limiting goals; i.e. wait for the new release to become stable enough,
> and
> > provide bug backports for the current stable release.
> >
> > Is Novel listening? I wonder how they manage with KDE.
> >
> > This mail is for sake of the project, not for MY personal frustrations
> with
> > KDE. I deploy Xfce anyway.
> It pretty much sounds like frustrations. You take your own unstable system
> for
> a global issue. Believe me, it is not. Neither do i say, as my system is
> highly stable every other system is as well.
> As you said you do report bugs, which is highly appreciated. But like with
> all
> bugs, they need to be reproducable, else they are hard to fix. The more
> useful
> information the better.
I'd the same issue with Debian testing; also distros wont upgrade to the
latest 'stable' KDE; they usually wait for the last bug fix release, or
even skip a whole major release.

Speaking of which KDE maybe an attractive option on Debian stable, cause
the bugs wont increment (with major versions) there.

You're basically trying to say here, I shouldn't complaint; and this's
exactly why the project is in such a horrible state. The reason why I'm
complaining is cause I want the situation to improve -- so does everyone

The moment you open upgraded the KDE desktop you see bugs.
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