Am Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2018, 10:24:36 CEST schrieb René J.V. Bertin:
> On Wednesday June 27 2018 08:57:58 Florian Lindner wrote:
> >Only setting QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=kde makes dolphin crash at the first 
> >startup (second try always works) and sends kmail
> >into in infinite loop at start, I already tried that some time ago.
> That's strange, and probably a bug. The plasma integration plugin does not 
> have runtime dependencies on anything that is only available through an 
> active Plasma5 desktop, to my knowledge. At least you shouldn't get a crash 
> in dolphin. If you only get it once it may indicate that something required 
> isn't yet running and is started automatically, but you still shouldn't get a 
> crash. If DrKonqi appears and gives a useable backtrace you could file a bug 
> report for this.

Settings are like that:

$QT_LOGGING_RULES  = *.debug=false
$QT_PLUGIN_PATH = /home/florian/.kde4/lib/kde4/plugins/:/usr/lib/kde4/plugins/
KDE_FULL_SESSION and KDE_SESSION_VERSION=5 are not set. If they are set, 
everything seems to work.

florian@horus ~ % dolphin 
"Session bus not found\nTo circumvent this problem try the following command 
(with Linux and bash)\nexport $(dbus-launch)"

Of course, dbus is started using systemd / logind, other applications depending 
of dbus are working.

tried that multiple times, crashes every time. At some point it seems to start 
whatever was missing and works.


florian@horus ~ % kmail
org.kde.pim.akonadicontrol: Unable to register service as 
"org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control.lock" Maybe it's already running?
Error loading text-to-speech plug-in "speechd"
QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
[... goes on forever and ever... until I Ctrl-C]

> >Setting also KDE_FULL_SESSION=1 and KDE_SESSION_VERSION=5 makes it all work 
> >like a charm! Setttings are saved, file open
> >dialoges are now really KDE and not some minmimalistic version and a number 
> >of other idiosyncrasies...
> That is without setting QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME I presume?


> In that case you get Qt's fallback internal implementation of the 
> plasma-integration plugin, though I don't really understand how that can give 
> you real KDE file dialogs.

It's probably QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=kde that gives the file dialogues, and the 
two others, that makes kmail and dolphin actually work.

> >Is there some KDE wiki site that can be used to document that? Is 
> > the right place?
> Presumably, or the forums. Cross your fingers though that this doesn't irk 
> someone who feels that KDE look-and-feel should be exclusive to the Plasma 
> desktop. I know there's at least 1 dev who already told me he planned to take 
> down some comparable backdoor, "just because he could".

Well, that is sad. Especially since KDE is not the KDE desktop anymore, but the 
KDE software collection, which, as far as my perception goes, should be 
independent of the Plasma desktop. Plasma can't and doesn't want to be 
something like i3 or awesome, but if I have to choose between i3/awesome and 
dolphin, I would take the first. Though after I had these problems already with 
dolphin, I tried other file managers (pcmanfm and thunar) but still like 
dolphin the most. I also use dired of Emacs, but thats not something for 
everyday use.

BTW: Do you have any idea how to set dolphin to select on double click, not 
single click. I was looking at `kcmshell5 --list` but couldn't find the right 
module. Or is there even a command to get the KDE system settings GUI?

Best Wishes,

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