On Wednesday June 27 2018 22:15:58 Florian Lindner wrote:

>KDE_FULL_SESSION and KDE_SESSION_VERSION=5 are not set. If they are set, 
>everything seems to work.

Figures, you need at least the full_session variable.

>florian@horus ~ % dolphin 
>"Session bus not found\nTo circumvent this problem try the following command 
>(with Linux and bash)\nexport $(dbus-launch)"
>Of course, dbus is started using systemd / logind, other applications 
>depending of dbus are working.

But is DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set in the shell from which you launch dolphin? 
If not, it won't find the dbus to connect to.

>florian@horus ~ % kmail
>org.kde.pim.akonadicontrol: Unable to register service as 
>"org.freedesktop.Akonadi.Control.lock" Maybe it's already running?
>Error loading text-to-speech plug-in "speechd"
>QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
>QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
>QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
>[... goes on forever and ever... until I Ctrl-C]

I cannot help you with that, sorry. Maybe ask on the kdepim-users ML?

>Well, that is sad. Especially since KDE is not the KDE desktop anymore, but 
>the KDE software collection, which, as far as my perception goes, should be 
>independent of the Plasma desktop. 

They are, but if you don't use the plasma-integration plugin and/or don't set 
the variables mentioned above, KDE applications will simply look like Qt 
applications, and won't use the font, colour, icon etc. settings defined for 
the plasma desktop.
I agree with you that this aspect should also be independent of what kind of 
desktop you run. That's why I answered your question :)

>BTW: Do you have any idea how to set dolphin to select on double click, not 
>single click. I was looking at `kcmshell5 --list` but couldn't find the right 
>module. Or is there even a command to get the KDE system settings GUI?

Try system-settings. The setting you look for exist, but I always forget where. 
You can also set if directly in ~/.config/kdeglobals: set SingleClick=false in 
the KDE section. NB: your KDE4 applications probably use a file of the same 
name that lives in ~/.kde*/share/config/kdeglobals .


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