Personally, I don't like a program icon constantly reminding me to rewind back 
because it relies on the rewind meme ... not progressive enough. ;) But then 
other professional NLEs have such progressive icon shapes that look like a 
German Autobahn intersection. Does this indicate speed and modernism? Hm, not 
so sure.
I also don't find the film meme outdated. How many applications have a disk 
save button, yet I threw away my floppy disks, wait, ten? fifteen? years ago. 
Is the breeze icon set thus broken? Some memes evolve into iconic and still 
universal meaning. There's nothing bad with that. Why, Ill6come to shortly.
Looking at breeze icon set, I see a film strip as the file type icon for video 
content. I haven't heard an outcry (yet) in the KDE forums that this is 
outdated style. So why breaking a metaphor or meme that still works quite well 
across a lot of users?
As I type, our lowercase letters have a firm root in the minuscle chancery 
script developed around the timeframe of Carolus the Great. We should stop 
using such outdated font specimen immediately! YES, THIS LOOKS MUCH BETTER ... 
until I remembered that uppercase letters were put into shape by the Romans 
after they stolen them from the Phoenicians...
Best regards, Harald

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Sam Muirhead <> 
Datum: 03.03.2016  18:14  (GMT+01:00) 
An: Kdenlive <> 
Betreff: Re: [kdenlive] Kdenlive website and brand logo? 

Hi Farid,
I agree with the previous points about the dated iconography of the film strip. 
The film strip must die!

I think it's a good starting point for a new look, stylistically the colours 
and font are nice, though it's hard to imagine what a 16px or 48px icon 
representation would look like.
Having some indication of 'audio' included is nice as it is such a large part 
of modern video editing, and often neglected in less professional NLEs. 
However, there might be a bit too much detail overall in the current image, I 
look forward to see how it develops.

One thing that might be worthwhile integrating or playing with to see if it 
fits is subtly building the K with a stylised 'rewind' symbol - for example, 
this is the icon I made for .kdenlive projects to fit in with my icon theme:

That said, as much as I love the program I've always been embarrassed by the 
name Kdenlive and would love for it to change at some stage, so maybe don't get 
too attached to the K! :)

----Sam Muirhead
Open Source / Video  
kdenlive mailing list

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