On 04.07.2019 23:44, j...@dodin.org wrote:
Le 04/07/2019 à 22:03, Daniil V. Kolpakov a écrit :

Edit the project in Kdenlive using unnormalized video clips you have,
then render using audio-only profile to a .wav file, then normalize the
file using an audio editor (for example the Audacity as suggested), then
open up the kdenlive project again, add an empty audio track, put the
edited wav to this track right from the beginning of the timeline, then
mute or remove original sound track. I do it all the time (although
using Ardour not Audacity).

two things:

* why use an other editor when kdenlive (seems to) already have the tool, apart if you say the tool is broken

Well it's not broken per se, just incomplete. It's a well known drawback that Kdenlive currently lacks a master bus, for example. This means that while you can drop a compressor on a track you cannot make it compress the mix of, say, a video track with the voice on it plus backing track with music, thus you cannot guarantee there is no clipping of the audio in the end.

* there is a much simpler workflow

when I happen to have a source already cut (for example if I made only short clips), I use this script


rep="mp4-hd" ;
mkdir  $rep ;

for a ; do
     b=`echo "$a" | cut -d'.' -f1` ;
    ffmpeg -i $a -af loudnorm -ar 44100 -b:v 12000k -movflags faststart $rep/$b.mp4 ;

notice the "loudnorm" option.

Again, that depends on the task, it won't help you if you mix the audio from the several clips in a complicated way. Also, I'd rather -c:v copy for the ffmpeg and do the whatever processing with reencoding of the audio before cutting in Kdenlive if the indention would be to cut with the video files where audio tracks would be pre-processed somehow.

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