Hey Paul.

There are ways to use GPU rendering in the output. However you typically
exchange quality for speed & size.

ie: rendering out at q=26 on software looks better than rendering out at
q=26 on hardware.

This is because the software encoders are more mature and can use features
in the CPU that the GPU cannot.

Here is a profile that I was using to test nvenc:

properties=x264-medium f=mp4 vcodec=h264_nvenc acodec=aac g=120
crf=%quality ab=%audiobitrate+'k'

Kind regards,
Evert Vorster
Awesome Chapters Tours
Tel: +264 (0) 811477690

On Wed, 12 Aug 2020 at 17:01, Paul Smith <paulsrsm...@live.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I really like KdenLive. Seems pretty intuitive to use. The on;y thing I
> couldn't quite figure out going through the settings is, does it use the
> Nvidia GPU for rendering? If not is that something on the horizon? If so
> I'm happy to donate towards it's development.
> Kind Regards
> Paul

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