On 14 Jul, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2016, Rami Rosen wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Since there was a concern about these books being outdated, I want
> > to mention here also a book titled "Professional Linux Kernel
> > Architecture", by Wolfgang Maurer, Wiley, 2008, 1368 pages. (I read
> > it partially) And also I agree with Robert saying that he wouldn't
> > count on that publication date of LDD4 by Oreilly, since indeed the
> > publication date was postponed in the past (at least once but maybe
> > more, I am unsure about that)
>   first, i wouldn't put any stock in a tentative publication date for
> LDD4, as i have already offered to be a technical pre-publication
> reviewer for that book, and i have been informed that there is no
> guarantee that there will be a new version of that book.
>   (frankly, i would doubt it only because there would be *so* *much*
> content, it would be hard to pack all that into a single book. i can't
> even imagine trying to list everything one would have to cover in that
> newer version.)
>   however, there are some git repos for the examples in LDD3 that were
> being updated to keep up with the kernel source -- here is one of
> them:
>   https://github.com/martinezjavier/ldd3
> i don't know if that code is still maintained, but it's definitely
> more relevant than the code snippets from the original LDD3.

Here is link to Jessica McKellar's (LDD4 co-author) repo with examples
for the next book.

I'm not sure whether these examples are complete and in a good shape.

Best regards,
Andrey Skvortsov

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