Yeah, you are right, modified the patch to show edge cuts, it felt better actually.

On 07/21/2017 07:04 PM, Eldar Khayrullin wrote:
Maybe it will be good to show Edge Cut always.

В Пятница, 21 июл. 2017 в 6:57 , Kristoffer Ödmark <> написал:
Added a few more layer selections to the layer sidebar. Also included two modified versions of the show all layers icon, for front and back, but I couldnt find out how to make them into the cpp files. link: _______________________________________________ Mailing list: Post to : <> Unsubscribe : More help :
>From 0455e103aa757487d84a8bbb7e8743423f8ab4e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Kristoffer=20=C3=96dmark?= <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 23:37:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] added more layer selector features

 bitmaps_png/sources/show_all_back_layers.svg  | 302 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bitmaps_png/sources/show_all_front_layers.svg | 302 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.cpp             | 206 +++++++++++++-----
 pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.h               |  20 +-
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 create mode 100644 bitmaps_png/sources/show_all_back_layers.svg
 create mode 100644 bitmaps_png/sources/show_all_front_layers.svg

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diff --git a/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.cpp b/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.cpp
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--- a/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.cpp
+++ b/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.cpp
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::PCB_LAYER_WIDGET( PCB_BASE_FRAME* aParent, wxWindow* aFocusOwn
     // since Popupmenu() calls this->ProcessEvent() we must call this->Connect()
     // and not m_LayerScrolledWindow->Connect()
         wxCommandEventHandler( PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onPopupSelection ), NULL, this );
     // install the right click handler into each control at end of ReFill()
@@ -179,11 +179,28 @@ void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onRightDownLayers( wxMouseEvent& event )
+    AddMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_ALL_NON_COPPER,
+                 _( "Show All Non Copper Layers" ),
+                 KiBitmap( select_w_layer_xpm ) );
+    AddMenuItem( &menu, ID_HIDE_ALL_NON_COPPER,
+                 _( "Hide All Non Copper Layers" ),
+                 KiBitmap( show_no_copper_layers_xpm ) );
+    menu.AppendSeparator();
     AddMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_NO_LAYERS, _( "Hide All Layers" ),
                  KiBitmap( show_no_layers_xpm ) );
     AddMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_ALL_LAYERS, _( "Show All Layers" ),
                  KiBitmap( show_all_layers_xpm ) );
+    menu.AppendSeparator();
+    AddMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_ALL_FRONT, _( "Show All Front Layers" ),
+                 KiBitmap( show_no_layers_xpm ) );
+    AddMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_ALL_BACK, _( "Show All Back Layers" ),
+                 KiBitmap( show_all_layers_xpm ) );
     PopupMenu( &menu );
@@ -199,76 +216,155 @@ void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onPopupSelection( wxCommandEvent& event )
     m_alwaysShowActiveCopperLayer = ( menuId == ID_ALWAYS_SHOW_NO_COPPER_LAYERS_BUT_ACTIVE );
     force_active_layer_visible = ( menuId == ID_SHOW_NO_COPPER_LAYERS_BUT_ACTIVE ||
-                                   menuId == ID_ALWAYS_SHOW_NO_COPPER_LAYERS_BUT_ACTIVE );
     switch( menuId )
-    case ID_SHOW_NO_LAYERS:
-        visible = menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_LAYERS;
-        rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
+        case ID_SHOW_NO_LAYERS:
+        case ID_SHOW_ALL_LAYERS:
+            {
+                visible = ( menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_LAYERS );
+                rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
-        for( int row=0;  row<rowCount;  ++row )
-        {
-            bool isLast;
-            wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
-            PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
-            cb->SetValue( visible );
+                for( int row=0;  row<rowCount;  ++row )
+                {
+                    bool isLast;
+                    wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
+                    PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
+                    cb->SetValue( visible );
-            isLast = row == rowCount-1;
+                    isLast = row == rowCount-1;
-            OnLayerVisible( layer, visible, isLast );
+                    OnLayerVisible( layer, visible, isLast );
-            if( isLast )
+                    if( isLast )
+                        break;
+                }
-         }
-        break;
-        // Search the last copper layer row index:
-        int lastCu = -1;
-        rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
-        for( int row = rowCount-1; row>=0; --row )
-        {
-            wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
-            PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
+            }
-            if( IsCopperLayer( layer ) )
+        case ID_HIDE_ALL_NON_COPPER:
+        case ID_SHOW_ALL_NON_COPPER:
-                lastCu = row;
+                // Search the last copper layer row index:
+                int lastCu = -1;
+                rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
+                for( int row = rowCount-1; row>=0; --row )
+                {
+                    wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
+                    PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
+                    if( IsCopperLayer( layer ) )
+                    {
+                        lastCu = row;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Enable/disable the copper layers visibility:
+                int startrow = 0;
+                if(     ( menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_NON_COPPER ) ||
+                        ( menuId == ID_HIDE_ALL_NON_COPPER ) )
+                {
+                    startrow = lastCu + 1;
+                }
+                for( int row = startrow;  row<rowCount;  ++row )
+                {
+                    wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
+                    PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
+                    visible = ( ( menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_COPPER_LAYERS ) || ( menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_NON_COPPER ) );
+                    if( force_active_layer_visible && (layer == myframe->GetActiveLayer() ) )
+                        visible = true;
+                    cb->SetValue( visible );
+                    bool isLastLayer = (row == lastCu);
+                    if(     ( menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_NON_COPPER ) ||
+                            ( menuId == ID_HIDE_ALL_NON_COPPER ) )
+                    {
+                        isLastLayer = false;
+                    }
+                    OnLayerVisible( layer, visible, isLastLayer );
+                    if( isLastLayer )
+                        break;
+                }
-        }
-        // Enable/disable the copper layers visibility:
-        for( int row=0;  row<rowCount;  ++row )
-        {
-            wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
-            PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
-            if( IsCopperLayer( layer ) )
+        case ID_SHOW_ALL_FRONT:
-                visible = menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_COPPER_LAYERS;
-                if( force_active_layer_visible && (layer == myframe->GetActiveLayer() ) )
-                    visible = true;
-                cb->SetValue( visible );
-                bool isLastCopperLayer = (row == lastCu);
-                OnLayerVisible( layer, visible, isLastCopperLayer );
-                if( isLastCopperLayer )
-                    break;
+                visible = false;
+                rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
+                for( int row=0;  row<rowCount;  ++row )
+                {
+                    bool isLast;
+                    wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
+                    PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
+                    isLast = ( row == rowCount-1 );
+                    if(  layer == F_Paste || layer == F_SilkS ||
+                         layer == F_Mask  || layer == F_Cu ||
+                         layer == F_Fab || layer == F_CrtYd  || layer == Edge_Cuts )
+                    {
+                        visible = true;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        visible = false;
+                    }
+                    cb->SetValue( visible );
+                    OnLayerVisible( layer, visible, isLast );
+                    if( isLast )
+                        break;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        case ID_SHOW_ALL_BACK:
+            {
+                visible = false;
+                rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
+                for( int row=0;  row<rowCount;  ++row )
+                {
+                    bool isLast;
+                    wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, COLUMN_COLOR_LYR_CB );
+                    PCB_LAYER_ID    layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
+                    isLast = ( row == rowCount-1 );
+                    if( layer == B_Paste || layer == B_SilkS ||
+                        layer == B_Mask  || layer == B_Cu ||
+                        layer == B_Fab || layer == B_CrtYd || layer == Edge_Cuts )
+                    {
+                        visible = true;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        visible = false;
+                    }
+                    cb->SetValue( visible );
+                    OnLayerVisible( layer, visible, isLast );
+                    if( isLast )
+                        break;
+                }
+                break;
-        }
-        break;
diff --git a/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.h b/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.h
index 5c623de39..dae4062d3 100644
--- a/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.h
+++ b/pcbnew/class_pcb_layer_widget.h
@@ -118,12 +118,20 @@ protected:
     PCB_BASE_FRAME* myframe;
     // popup menu ids.
-#define ID_SHOW_ALL_COPPER_LAYERS                   wxID_HIGHEST
-#define ID_SHOW_NO_COPPER_LAYERS                    (wxID_HIGHEST+1)
-#define ID_SHOW_NO_LAYERS                           (wxID_HIGHEST+4)
-#define ID_SHOW_ALL_LAYERS                          (wxID_HIGHEST+5)
+    enum POPUP_ID
+    {
+        ID_SHOW_ALL_COPPER_LAYERS                    = wxID_HIGHEST,
+        ID_SHOW_ALL_BACK,
+        ID_LAST_VALUE
+    };
     virtual bool AreArbitraryColorsAllowed() override;

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