> I just gave up, as it wasn't routing anything on a pass, so I finished
> routing by hand back in pcbNew. It seemed easier to do it there than in
> Freeroute.
> Chris


It takes about a day to learn how to use freerouter's manual routing capability 
but this is an investment that does pay off, particularly if you have a complex 
board.  The "push and shove" manual routing capability is invaluable.  Some 
high density boards simply cannot be done without it.

Here is a 6 layer board that was done using the manual routing capability of 


The pathway to and from freerouter (Specctra DSN format) has gotten polished 
quite a bit in the most recent PCBNEW developments, and these should be 
released in 1st quarter 2010.  The new netclass support is very useful to this 

Currently, one of the important steps do be done before exporting to freerouter 
is to manually edit your *.brd file with a text editor and establish your layer 
names so they are meaningful, and to establish the purpose of each layer 
especially power layers.  Power layers are then removed from the layer 
selection menu in freerouter, simplifying things a bit.

The layer naming and type identification are two of the remaining items that 
will be polished before the next Kicad release in 1st quarter, such that you 
will not have to use a text editor to establish these.

In any case, freerouter is the horse that you want to bet on.  Spending the 
time to learn it is worth it if you ever plan on doing something as complicated 
as a 4 layer board or greater, and maybe this threshold should be lower.

This is not to say that other external routers cannot be used.  In theory the 
Specctra DSN format is an industry standard, and toporouter and others claim to 
be compatible with it.  So doing the round tripping to other routers should be 
possible now.  But to be candid, I am finding freerouter to be more than up to 
the task.

I recently did 4 layer board in freerouter with Kicad in 5 days, again manually 
routed in freerouter, not auto-routed.


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