
I am working on a complex schematic where I use a bus between them.

I have common schematics that I developed separately in a folder
hierarchy then added them to a master diagram for a specific purpose.

I am using 74HC595 Serial-Parallel latches and they interface via a pair
of R8 packs for 17 of the wires and directly to 15 wires (display
matrix), and I get this message on 172 occasions:
ErrType(2): Pin not connected (and no connect symbol found on this pin)
     @ (4.4000 ",3.2500 "): Cmp D90, Pin 1 (passive) Unconnected

ErrType(2): Pin not connected (and no connect symbol found on this pin)
     @ (5.1500 ",4.6500 "): Cmp AFF4, Pin 5 (input) Unconnected

I am driving the LEDs or 7 seg displays from the latches and I am not
sure if the problem is the interconnecton or something else. There are
wires, labels etc all applied to the buses and individual wires, but
there is still no luck resolving this issue.

Can anyone help me with this?

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