my name is Valentina, and I'm an Italian student in Computer Science.

KIM website says:
"As a base line, KIM analyzes texts and recognizes references to entities 
(like persons, organizations, locations, dates). Then it tries to match the 
reference with a known entity, having a unique URI and description. 
Alternatively, a new URI and description are automatically generated. Finally, 
the reference in the document gets annotated with the URI of the entity. We 
call this process (as well as the result) semantic annotation. This sort of 
meta-data can be used for indexing, retrieval, visualization and automatic 
hyper-linking of documents."

Now, I would like to know:
where and how can I read the output of the KIM semantic annotation for a 
given file  (without graphic user interface)? Maybe I have to use the KIM API, 
but I need some advice...

If I increase KIM knowledge base with my files .nt and .owl, then where and 
how will KIM annotate a file (html or rdf) that contain those entities and 
those words that I have provided (with alias) in the knowledge base? Please 
help me to clarify my ideas…

Thanks and regards,
Kim-discussion mailing list

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