Sorry for this late answer. But as you would see there many different
aspects involve the answer to your question.

First let's call your property a "relation". It is a relation between two
classes (location and person). The simple answer to your questions is that
relations are more complex objects and custom Java code is needed to be
executed in order to add a relation in way that is suitable for many
purposes (like queries and visualization).

You definitely need JAPE rules to locate your relation as a first step.
As a second step you should be aware of what queries you would like to do
late on. Is it enough to just relate that person to his birth location or
you need more data as:
- the name of the document where this information has been found
- the exact location of the relation in the text
- you could also add the birth date in the form of string(Literal) although
we are talking about the location, not the time

In both cases you need to add some Java code, but in the second is even

1.  The good thing is that the upcoming KIM 3.0 has built in support for
relations (written by me). This way you need to inherit an interface, build
your relation in the form of jar file, place it in the class folder, add
some configuration and KIM will know how to build your relation in the
Semantic Repository based on data that was extracted by the Jape rules . Of
course some examples should be provided. Unfortunately KIM 3.0 won't
be released before the end of September.

2. The second idea is to implement your relation in GATE processing
resource. This can be done in KIM 2.4.

3. There is also a third variant where you implement it in the Java part of
you Jape rules by using the KIM API, but writing Jape rules is not
very comfortable for now - for example you need to specify every Java object
with its full qualified name as there is no ability to change the import
section of your Jape rules. This can be done in KIM 2.4.

Maybe the best thing to do will be if we release a development build of KIM
3.0 with the Relations framework and then I will supply you with an example
source that manages the relation.
KIM 3.0 allows fine grained control of relations. I think it is a good idea
to implement your relation as an example for the next KIM 3.0 documentation
release, but of course we need to make some further internal discussions on
this topic.

Stay tuned :)


Anton Andreev
email: anton.andr...@ontotext.com
Account Manager at Ontotext

2009/8/28 ipinkfl...@inwind.it <ipinkfl...@inwind.it>

> Hi all,
> I'm sorry for the last post, but I really did't understand this concepts.
> So I searched an answer for the next question but I don't find anything.
> The question is about Object Property in Ontology. In my ontology there are
> object property like this:
>  <!-- http://mia.ontologia#HaLuogoDiNascita -->
>    <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#HaLuogoDiNascita">
>        <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#LUOGO"/>
>        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#PERSONA"/>
>    </owl:ObjectProperty>
> this property is HasABirthPlace .The domain is a Person Entity the range is
> Location.
> I want to know if the is a way to recognize this property. Must I use JAPE
> rule for this? Which is the way to associate a Person with a Location?
> Finally I want to know if there is a kind of Token.? in JAPE that identify
> a generic word . For example I know that after the name George there is a
> generic word and then the Surname.
> George "generic word" Bush
> {Token.string=="George"}
> {Token.???????}
> {Token.string=="Bush"}  This is a stupid example I hope you understand.
> Thank you for your attention.
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