> We had a Homebrew tap set up a while ago see, 
> https://github.com/klee/homebrew-klee, but it is currently unmaintained.  So 
> what we need is to have maintainers for these different packages. This is why 
> it was great to hear about the Homebrew package you created (which I hope 
> you'd like to maintain) and about the other packages of KLEE being maintained 
> by other volunteers.

Ah, I see. Trying to keep it in Homebrew might be ideal then. I don't
mind helping to keep the package updated. 

Some Homebrew contributors do have some automation set up that updates
packages hosted on GitHub, so many packages are updated automatically
when new releases are tagged on GitHub. This makes it likely that KLEE
will stay updated on Homebrew without much additional work.

I imagine things should stay that way as long as you don't change your
build system, and KLEE continues to work with the latest stable release
of LLVM.

You may also wish to set up your own release workflow that will update
the Homebrew package automatically when you tag new releases:


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