On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 2:40 AM, Frédéric Demians <frede...@tamil.fr> wrote:
> Hi Bernardo and Tomas,
> Your announcement for koha-devel list members:
> http://lists.koha-community.org/pipermail/koha-translate/2012-September/001930.html
> Thanks a lot for your work. From my perspective, you reach the point
> where your documentation translation workflow and tools is usable by the
> whole community. Could you propose to discuss the subject on the next
> IRC meeting?
> http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/General_IRC_meeting,_10_October_2012

+1 for including this on next IRC meeting.

> The translation files (.po files) could be stored centrally on the
> community Pootle server, with the current Koha translation files.
> Someone will have to manage those specific files, and how they are used
> to generate Koha manual in various languages.
> Is it necessary to have a new role? 'Manual translation manager',
> affiliated to the Translation manager. It could help the various jobs to
> be done properly to have several related roles. For example:
>   Translation manager >
>     Manual translation manager (Bernardo or Tomas?)
>     Translators community manager
>     Translatability QA

I'm not sure about this, but we can discuss this new roles.

> Those kind of sub-roles could be extended to other Koha community
> positions... It could be the responsibility of the 'main' manager to
> choose his/her affiliated managers.

+1 for this. If we manage to have good communication inside this
little groups we can improve lots of things. I'd like to QA Ubuntu
related stuff for instance.

> In order to help Manual translators, a workflow must be designed to
> generate automatically HTML/PDF versions of manual, so they can see the
> result of their work. Where to put them? Automation? What to do if
> something break? Which frequency?

We could define a minimum translation percentage to accept a
translated Manual for publishing. But it doesn't mean we can't have
nightly builds so people can beta test  and correct them.

The output from that runs should be published once an editor says its
good enough for publishing.

> A release schedule must be decided, to distinguish work in progress and
> 'official' issued translated manuals. Or it can be done language per
> language, at translators demand. So the need of a Manual translation
> manager.
> Which coordination with Documentation manager? It isn't only necessary
> to generate documentation from .po files but also to update the .po
> files when the Documentation manager edit the original English manual.
> How will it be done? Which frequency? Are milestones necessary? How can
> the Translation manager reports information to the translators?
> Conversely, how can translators, who are quality proofreaders, can
> reports to the Translation manager errors, improvement suggestions?

I think each feature release (3.8, 3.10, and so on) should have its
own manual revision. As they are incremental by nature (we add
features and hardly remove them) once we have a complete manual,
having one for a new release should be straight-forward (i do not mean
effortless, of course!)

> What to do with current massive use of images in Manual? It make
> translators work difficult. A picture worth a thousand words. You bet.
> But is it still true in a multi-lingual environment? Couldn't it be
> decided to avoid images in manual, for the future, and in accordance
> with the Documentation manager?

I like images on the manual, but as Bernardo once suggested they are
too many. Maube they aren't optimized for size, and are english-only.

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