Hello everybody,

Last year, BibLibre office was "almost too small" for all the great people who came from all around the world. This year, I asked Aix Marseille university (a Koha user & BibLibre customer), and they where happy to provide us some meeting rooms, that, added to BibLibre office, should be enough (they give us a 12 seats meeting room + 2 office where 3 ppl can easily meet/discuss)

So, the hackfest, in 2015, will take place in 2 locations: some of us in BibLibre office, some in University. We need only 20mn to go from one place to the other (5mn foot, 2 metro station, 5mn foot).

first of all: thank you Aix Marseille.
Secondly: if you want to come, don't hesitate, drop me an email !!!

A lot of core people will be here :

 * Our Release Manager Tomas (trip sponsored by BibLibre,
   Bywatersolutions and Kohala)
 * Our QA Manager (Katrin)
 * 4 from Bywater
 * 2 from PTFS-Europe (still to confirm. PTFS-E, please confirm. And if
   you want to be 3, or 4, you can ;-) )
 * all BibLibre staff (as usual)
 * at least 1 from Norway (Magnus)
 * some from Sweden (to be confirmed)

MISSING ONES, and it's too bad. can we do something ?
I'd really like to have 2 other people at the hackfest: *Owen* and *Chris*.

3 years ago, BibLibre sponsored Owen's trip. This year, we can't, but maybe someone else could ? If this idea pleases you, feel free to make it happen !

Chris, is there a chance that you could join us as well ? (OK, it's obviously traveling to the other side of the world. But you already made it 9 years ago, right ?)

(note that I haven't asked Owen nor Chris whether they could join us. But maybe, if someone want to sponsor their trip, that could be a welcomed idea !)

Paul Poulain, Associé-gérant / co-owner
BibLibre, expert du logiciel libre pour les bibliothèques
BibLibre, Open Source software for libraries expert

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