About the different translation functions, here's a tip: just remember "__npx" where each letter is an optional flag
n for Numbers (plural forms)
p for Particular context
x for eXtra variables

And in templates, where functions starting with '_' are considered private, the '__' prefix was replaced by 't' (but maybe we should use the 't' form everywhere to remove confusion ?)

Also you can refer to https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/src/branch/master/docs/development/internationalization.md

About database VS hardcoded list, what about a hardcoded but extensible list ? For instance you'd have the full ISO-639-* lists hardcoded in Perl, but it would be extensible, either by adding entries to the database, or by plugins.

Le 27/04/2021 à 01:44, dc...@prosentient.com.au a écrit :
Hi Julian,

I like part of what you've suggested here. I still think that putting languages 
(with codes and name in native text) in the database is a good idea, as it 
allows the ability to add languages to Koha without a code change. Unless Koha 
is going to be perfectly comprehensive with languages, I think that libraries 
need to be able to add their own languages to the database.

But I'd be fine with putting the translations of languages into Perl rather 
than Template::Toolkit.

I've found the barrier to entry for Koha translations to be too high, so I 
can't keep track of all the different _(), __(), _t(), etc functions across the 
different file types, but if your suggestion for Koha::Languages works using 
that __() syntax, then I'm fine with it.

David Cook
Software Engineer
Prosentient Systems
Suite 7.03
6a Glen St
Milsons Point NSW 2061

Office: 02 9212 0899
Online: 02 8005 0595

-----Original Message-----
From: Koha-devel <koha-devel-boun...@lists.koha-community.org> On Behalf Of 
Julian Maurice
Sent: Monday, 26 April 2021 8:17 PM
To: koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Template::Toolkit and Translations

Hi David,

I think that language descriptions would be best in a Perl module, so that they 
can be used everywhere (perl and templates).

For instance:

package Koha::Languages;
use Koha::I18N;
sub getLanguages {
      return {
          en => __('English'),
          fr => __('French'),

And if the original description is needed, we can do the same but without the 
__() translation.

sub getLanguagesDescriptionsInTheirOwnLanguage {
      return {
          en => 'English',
          fr => 'Français',

Le 26/04/2021 à 02:44, dc...@prosentient.com.au a écrit :
Hi all,

While I mostly work in English, I occasionally do support libraries in
other languages like French, Arabic, and Chinese. And more recently
I’ve been looking at the Languages dropdown in the OPAC advanced search.

In the templates, I notice that we often translate HTML, but what if
we translated strings for a Template::Toolkit data structure instead?

Consider the following:

[% BLOCK en %]Anglais[% END %]

[% BLOCK fr %]Français[% END %]

[% langs.en = INCLUDE en %]

[% langs.fr = INCLUDE fr %]

I suppose it’s not very beautiful, but the translation process should
be simple and in the end we have a re-usable hash map rather than static HTML.

As I commented on Bug 12017
<https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12017>), we
could have a database table of language codes with native language
names, and then iterate through that and use the hash map of
translations to provide the translations. Since we’re not producing
HTML, we could flexibly reuse this language data in various different
contexts. Whether it’s the Languages dropdown in the OPAC advanced
search, the language selector, or whatever.

We could probably use this concept in other places as well where we
need translations but we don’t want to be bound to HTML.

What do people think? I’m not wedded to the idea, but it’s something
that crossed my mind this morning, when I looked at the large switch
statements at

(To that end, I would also suggest a theme-independent
Template::Toolkit include directory, but that’s another story…)

David Cook

Software Engineer

Prosentient Systems

Suite 7.03

6a Glen St

Milsons Point NSW 2061


Office: 02 9212 0899

Online: 02 8005 0595

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Julian Maurice
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Julian Maurice
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