
I've been banging my head against this one for a few hours now, so I'm
hoping someone can help!

I've developed a Koha ILL backend for RapidILL for a customer. Part of
the development was to create a plugin that provides Koha Rest API
endpoints that effectively proxies to the RapidILL SOAP API.
Everything works perfectly on my development server running

However, on the customer's Koha instance, all API calls to the plugin
fail validation with the following error:

    "errors": [
            "message": "Expected object - got null.",
            "path": "/body"
    "status": 400

I'm pretty confident that my plugin and the requests I'm making to it
are correct since everything works perfectly on my dev server, however
the API spec is here

and a sample request body is:

    "requestId": "17900139",
    "updateAction": "Cancel",
    "metadata": {
        "UpdateComment": "TEST PLEASE CANCEL REQUEST"

The most annoying thing is that I've had this problem a few times
before in the past and it's always come down to module dependency
versions, though this time, I'm not sure this is the problem. I've
aligned versions of the following modules on the customer's server to
match the versions on my koha-testing-docker, these have been the
problematic modules in the past. But still no luck:

JSON - 2.90
JSON::Validator - 3.14
Mojolicious - 8.12
Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI - 2.16

In an attempt to narrow it down, I've been trying to find somewhere
else in Koha where a POST API call is made, but haven't found one, any

Does anyone have any suggestions where else I could try?

Many thanks
Andrew Isherwood
Senior Software Engineer

Email: andrew.isherw...@ptfs-europe.com

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