You can insert messages at -  Home › Tools › Notices & Slips
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And find some sample message are that we are using for our library here.

1) Book Check-Out (Issue) Message
Dear  <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,

The following book is checked out (Issued) from the library for your card
number: <<borrowers.cardnumber>>

Accession No: <<items.barcode>>
Call No: <<items.itemcallnumber>>
Title: <<biblio.title>>
Author: <<biblio.author>>
Check Out on: <<issues.issuedate>>
Due Date: <<issues.date_due>>

This email is system generated. Please do not reply to this mail.

Library and Informaiton Centre,
Your Library Name

2) Book Check-in (Return) Message
Dear   <<borrowers.firstname>>  <<borrowers.surname>>,

The following book is returned (check-in) to the library for your card
number : <<borrowers.cardnumber>>

Accession No: <<items.barcode>>
Call No: <<items.itemcallnumber>>
Title: <<biblio.title>>
Author: <<biblio.author>>
Borrowed On : <<items.datelastborrowed>>

Library and Informaiton Centre,
Your Library Name

3) Pre-Due Reminder ( Before Due Date)
Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,

The following book will be due soon for your card number
<<borrowers.cardnumber>> :

Accession No: <<items.barcode>> -  <<biblio.title>>, by <<biblio.author>>
Due Date: <<issues.date_due>>

Please return or renew them before due date.

Library and Informaiton Centre,
Your Library Name

Please do not reply to this notification as it was automatically generated.
If you have any question regarding this notification, please contact

4) Due Reminder (After Due Date)

Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> CARD NUMBER

According to our current records, you have following book(s) that is/are
overdue. Please return or renew them at the Circulation section as soon as

Title: <<biblio.title>>,  by <<biblio.author>>
Accession No:  <<items.barcode>>
Check out (Borrowed) date:  <<issues.issuedate>>
Due Date:  <<issues.date_due>>

Library and Information Centre,
Your Library Name

Please do not reply to this notification as it was automatically generated.
If you have any question regarding this notification, please contact


5) Over Due (Final and Last Reminder)

Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,

According to our Library records, you have books pending/overdue for your
card number : <<borrowers.cardnumber>> .  Please return or renew them as
soon as possible. There are two auto generated reminder emails have been
sent by the system to you regarding library dues.  Please refer previous
emails with the subject -  Item Due Reminder  or  Advance Notice of Item
Due"  for finding books details. Please note that, this is the final
reminder email.

Library and Informaiton Centre,
Your Library Name

with thanks
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