Hello all ~

Katrin and others from the recent IRC meeting suggested I send out a
hello&question(s) email.... so here goes?  [I'm also going with the
suggestion to reach out to a couple of you individually...]

I was a contributor from (way way) back, mostly on the documentation
front - roughly 2003? I think!

I'm now an academic (after some time in industry), with responsibility
for the "big project" class at small University in the US.  I'd like
to offer students the chance to contribute to an open source project
that has some complexity and has been around awhile (for both teaching
and community-contribution reasons).

Is there a feature/plugin/something that would make sense for them?
I'm open to suggestions! [Please email me...off list!]

The students in my course get a choice of what to work on (so
something they can point to at the end would be good!) so I can't
guarantee an actual team at this point.

The other wrinkle is that they only have a semester (about the end of
April) to do the work.

All by way of introduction!
Thanks, and it is good to (sortof) be back?!,
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