Hello Jonathan and friends

Thank you for the reply, and for building the housebound module!
We can see potential for this even in a small library, and definitely in a 
large system with a lot of people to track.

We have tinkered around with it a bit. I may not have found all the 
functionality, do correct me if I missed something.

Observations so far -

  *   We would like to be able to search on chooser/deliverer - to find 
volunteers to match with new housebounds.
  *   We would like a way to connect chooser/deliverer with housebound person 
at the profile level. This option only appears when setting up a specific 
delivery date (and has to be selected each time a delivery is added). Our 
volunteer deliverers would normally always deliver to the same patrons. Maybe a 
syspref for this option?
  *   We would like to see which patrons a chooser/deliverer delivers for, from 
the chooser/deliverer record.
  *   Housebound profile tab appears on all patron types. It would be nice to 
be able to specify which patron type(s) get that extra menu. (Looked in patron 
categories admin for a flag and there's nothing new there.)
  *   Profile text boxes are single-line - would be nice if the author list and 
notes boxes expanded with the content.
  *   Not sure what the intention of Referrer field is.
  *   Is there a way to view/print/report scheduled deliveries for a specific 
deliverer?or show on OPAC account?
  *   Can we extract statistics - number of delivery visits, number of items 
delivered... by housebound patron and by deliverer?
  *   Waaay down the development road - it would be nice if the deliverer had a 
profile with available weekdays, and Koha could report schedule conflicts if a 
patron delivery was set up for a day they were not available. Now that's really 
blue-sky thinking. It might be that linking Koha with an external scheduling 
app could achieve this.

I should say that our library does not need this module - our deliveries are 
few enough to track without Koha - but we think it could be very useful and we 
will definitely use the profile!
If enough libraries and developers are interesting in taking this further - I 
would like to help with usage suggestions and maybe content for the manual.


On 2018-03-02 12:29 PM, Field, Jonathan wrote:

- Optionally, add additional authorised values to 'HSBND_FREQ'.
- Switch on 'HouseboundModule' syspref.
- Ensure 'ExtendedPatronAttributes syspref is on.
- On patron pages, when editing, add some to the Housebound deliverer
  and chooser groups.
- On a patron page, the Housebound menu should now be present.
  - create housebound profile
    + ensure Frequency values seem pulled from 'HSBND_FREQ'.
  - create 'housebound visits' (deliveries)
    + ensure chooser/deliverer lists are populated with patrons that
      have the Chooser or Deliverer Attribute type.
  - edit visits.
  - delete visits.

Agnes Rivers-Moore
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