Hello all,

I’m having trouble logging into our staff interface this morning.  Here’s 
what’s happening:

  *   I’m running koha 23.05.04
  *   I get an Error 500 page after putting in my credentials
  *   The only error message I can see in any log file is in plack-error.log
     *   Exception 'Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter' thrown 'No 
encryption_key in koha-conf.xml. Please generate a key. We recommend one of at 
least 32 bytes. (You might use 'pwgen 32' to do so.)'
  *   I currently have the following line in my koha-conf.xml file, as the last 
entry before </config>
     *   <!-- Added 1 Nov 2022 from warning in About page
<!-- Added 1 Nov 2022 from warning in About page
  *   I’ve tried generating a password with ‘pwd 32’, copying the first entry 
and replacing __ENCRYPTION_KEY__ with that entry, and have rebooted, but it 
didn’t make any difference so I reverted.

Is this a bug?  A known issue?

Thanks in advance!



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