>To: "International"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 16:22:25 -0500

Iraq Sanctions Challenge
>39 West 14th St., #206, New York, NY
>Voice: 212-633-6646   Fax:  212-633-2889
>Web page:  www.iacenter.org   e-mail:
>Contact: Deirdre Sinnott, Kenneth
>MacLeish (212) 633-6646
>Iraq Sanctions Challenge Returning from
>January 20, 2000 – After a week of
>meetings and fact-finding investigation,
>the Iraq Sanctions Challenge delegation
>is making its journey home from Baghdad.
>They will arrive in New York on Friday,
>January 21, JFK Airport, at 3:50 pm at
>TWA terminal 5.
>The delegation, led by former U.S.
>attorney general Ramsey Clark, brought $2
>million dollars’ worth of badly needed
>medical supplies to Iraq, in direct
>violation of U.S. law and U.S./UN
>Sanctions. During their five days in
>Baghdad they visited hospitals and
>schools, and witnessed firsthand the
>devastating effects of the sanctions
>bombings, which have killed over 1
>million people since 1990 according to
>the UN.
>Delegates are now preparing to report
>back at dozens of meetings and forums
>across the United States. Thousands of
>people across the United States will hear
>first-hand reports of what the U.S.
>government refuses to acknowledge: that
>the sanctions are devastating the lives
>of millions of Iraqi people.
>Members of the ISC delegation will be
>available to speak with the press. For
>interviews, call the International Action
>Center at (212) 633-6646.
>More information on the ISC and the UN
>sanctions, please visit our website at
>{ HYPERLINK http://www.iacenter.org


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