Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit no.1158

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il inspected
KPA unit no. 1158.
    He was accompanied by KPA generals Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and
other general officers of the
    Looking the monument to the President Kim Il Sung's on-site guidance
and historic reliCSGEneral Secretary
Kim Jong Il recalled the glorious history of the unit which has grown to be
invincible ranks under the loving care of
the President.
    He was very happy to hear that the soldiers of the unit, who had honor
of being received by the President
during his guidance to it, have grown to be competent commanding officers,
after inquiring about tidings from
    He expressed great satisfaction at the big achievements made by the
soldiers of the unit in their efforts to
implement the President's on-site instructions over the past years, and
advanced highly important tasks for the unit
to further increase its combat capabilities.
    Then he went round lecture room, education room, bedroom and other
facilities of the unit. He highly praised
the unit, noting with great satisfaction that it has built good logistic
facilities and provided soldiers with excellent
conditions for entertainment.
    Aquatinting himself with the supply of foodstuffs, temperature of
bedroom and thickness of padded clothes for
soldiers down to details, he urged the commanding officers to love soldiers
as they would do their own brothers and
always take care of them like their mother.
    He gave the servicemen of unit a pair of binoculars, a machine gun and
an automatic rifle as gifts and posed for
a picture with them.

Preparatory committees inaugurated abroad

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees for celebrating
the 58th birthday of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il were formed in Ireland, Romania, Britain, Poland and
    The general secretary of the Communist Party of Ireland
(Marxist-Leninist), the vice-chairman of the Socialist
Party of Romania, the chairman of the Korea Friendship and Solidarity
Campaign of Britain, the first vice-chairman
of the central committee of the Poland-DPRK Association and the
international secretary of the central committee of
the Belgian Labour Party were elected chairmen of the preparatory committees.
    The preparatory committees decided to hold colorful functions to
celebrate February 16, Kim Jong Il's birthday.

Three commanders of Mt. Paektu praised abroad

   Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- Over 100 mass media of more than 30
countries including Bulgaria, India,
Uganda, Thailand, Iran, Mexico and Russia gave special write-ups on 130 odd
occasions to mark the 8th
anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander
of the Korean People's Army and the
82nd birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk.
    Carried in media were portraits of the President Kim Il Sung, Marshal
Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk, famous
works of the President and the Marshal and articles praising the greatness
of the three commanders of Mt. Paektu.
    They stressed that the august names of the three commanders well known
to the world draw special attention of
the world for their immortal feats for the Korean revolution and the cause
of global independence and will be
remembered forever.

Friendly meeting held

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- A friendly meeting was held yesterday
on the occasion of the 50th National
Day of India.
    Invited to it were V. Raghunathan, charge d'affaires ad interim of the
Indian embassy here, and embassy
    Vice-chairperson of the Korean committee for Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries Hong Son Ok, who is
also vice-chairperson of the DPRK-India Friendship Association, and
officials concerned were present there.
    The participants saw an art performance of schoolchildren and conversed
with each other, deepening the feeling
of friendship.

Day of Republic of India commemorated

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- Papers here today extend warm
congratulations to the Indian people on the
occasion of the 50th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of India.
    Rodong Sinmun in a signed article says that the Indian people have
fought and advanced for independent
development and prosperity of the country for 50 years after the
proclamation of the republic.
    It continues:
    The Indian government, adhering to the non-aligned policy, is making
active efforts to resolve all problems by
itself and strengthen unity and cooperation with other countries,
resolutely opposing aggression and interference of
the imperialists.
    The Korean people sincerely congratulate the Indian people on their
successes made in the construction of a new
society and express solidarity with them in the just struggle.
    The Korean people will make tireless efforts to develop friendly and
cooperative relations with the Indian people
in the idea of independence, peace and friendship.
    Minju Joson in a signed article says that the Korean people sincerely
wish the Indian people greater success in
their struggle for building a new independent and prosperous India.

University of Science

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The University of Science is a base of
training able scientists.
    The university has systematically trained scientists of fundamental
science for over 30 years.
    It is situated in Unjong district on the outskirts of Pyongyang, which
was specially set up as a district of
scientists in May 1995.
    The university with a plottage of over 100,000 square metres and a
floor space of more than 70,000 square
metres has several buildings equipped with modern educational means and
facilities, a laboratory, a lecture theatre, a
science library of over hundreds of thousands of books, a publishing house,
an experimental apparatus factory and
so on.
    There are several institutes including a doctoral institute,
electro-physics institute and chemistry and biology
institute and a refresher course school for scientists at the university.
    Dormitories, dining rooms and other service facilities serve for
teaching staff and students.
    It boasts of competent teaching staff and scientific research groups
comprising of hundreds of professors,
doctors, and masters.
    It consists of eight faculties including mathematics, physics,
chemistry and biology.
    It enrolls excellent graduates from senior middle schools no. 1 across
the country and trains experts through the
six-year-long course.
    It has produced many scientists including kim so in and other promising
doctors and masters in the twenties and
    It made hundreds of valuable achievements in scientific researches,
which were highly praised at many festivals
at home and abroad.
    It was honored with "Kim Il Sung Order" and the title of
"three-revolution red flag" on the occasion of its 20th

Spirit of devotedly defending leader

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The revolutionaries should glorify not
only their youth but their old age in
the spirit of devotedly defending the leader, said the joint New Year
editorial of the newspapers of the Worker's
Party of Korea, the Korean People's Army and the Kim Il Sung Socialist
Youth League.
    This reflects the will and desire of the Worker's Party of Korea and
people. They call on everyone to become a
human bomb in dedicating his life to defending the leader in the
revolutionary spirit of soldiers, a standard-bearer
who faithfully fulfils the leader's instructions and an enthusiastic
practician who puts the party's intentions into
practice under whatever conditions. This will and desire are fully
reflected in the slogan "Let's defend the
headquarters of the revolution led by the great comrade Kim Jong Il with
our lives." This slogan to be seen
everywhere in the country calls on all the people and the entire people's
army to devotedly defend the leader.
    The tradition of displaying the spirit of defending the headquarters of
the revolution, the core of the ideological
education in the DPRK, was established in the anti-Japanese revolutionary
struggle led by the President Kim Il
    The first generation of Korean revolutionaries acclaimed Kim Il Sung as
the sun of the nation who would save
the country from the yoke of the Japanese imperialist colonial rule and
gave origin to this tradition.
    The young communists put up the slogan "Let's defend comrade Kim Il
Sung with our lives ", swore loyalty to
him and defended and carried through his revolutionary ideas and lines with
their lives. Their unshakable view on
the leader is well represented in the immortal revolutionary paean to their
leader "star of Korea" which was created
and disseminated in the early period of the Korean revolution.
    Great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk regarded the
security of the headquarters as her life and
soul at any place and at any time and became herself a shield to defend Kim
Il Sung at each critical moment despite
the shower of bullets in the period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle.
    O Jung Hup, commander of the 7th regiment, disguised it as the
"headquarters" to lure the enemy, thus
ensuring the safety of the headquarters during the arduous march from
December, 1938 to April, 1939.
    The tradition of devotedly defending the leader has been brilliantly
carried forward in the annals of the Korean
    In the period of building new Korea the bodyguards of the leader foiled
at the cost of their lives the attempts of
the reactionary elements to do harm to the headquarters of the revolution.
The young soldiers of the people's army
readily laid down their lives to carry through the orders of the supreme
commander during the fatherland liberation
    As the enemies' moves to provoke a new war became pronounced in the
1990s, the Korean youth and children
vowed to become 8 million human rifles and bombs to devotedly defend the
    The "O Jung Hup's 7th regiment title movement" now under way in the
units of the Korean People's Army is
important part of the work to arm themselves with the same spirit of
defending the headquarters of the revolution
with their lives as was displayed by O's regiment during the anti-Japanese
armed struggle.

"Election"-related struggle in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The "Citizens' Solidarity for General
Election" (CSGE) and other civic
organizations are escalating their struggle before the "National Assembly
Election" in South Korea, a radio report
from Seoul said.
    The CSGE has collected data on the South Korean rulers' crimes through
various channels. This organization
declared that it would soon announce the list of disqualified candidates
after consultation with the committee of one
hundred electors, the policy advisory group and other groups.
    It launched into a one million signature campaign supporting the
movement for defeating candidates on Jan. 21
and is waging it across South Korea.
    It also decided to set January 30 as "day of declaration of electors'
rights" and wage rallies and demonstrations
in major cities all at once.
    The civic organizations belonging to the "Council of Citizens' Movement
for Practicing Fair Elections" have
opened the past careers and crimes of the present "national assemblymen" to
the public through internet since
January 22 while continuing the joint struggle against the evil law on
    Meanwhile, the CSGE excluded or shelved the admittance to it of the
right-wing organizations and unidentified
organizations on the 22nd.
    The struggle for defeating candidates to the "National Assembly" is
spreading to the religious organizations.

KCNA on S. Korea-U.S. "defense cooperation"

   Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- "Defence Minister" of South Korea Jo
Song Thae and the South
Korea-U.S. combined forces commander reportedly agreed at their meeting to
make more sustained efforts for
mutual cooperation, crying out for "joint defence posture."
    This proves that the moves of the United States and South Korea to
jointly contain and stifle the DPRK by force
have reached a more serious phase.
    This year the South Korean warhawks are making more frantic efforts to
round off the preparations for a war
against the north with the backing of their master.
    From the beginning of the year, they called a "security meeting" and a
"meeting of commanding officers of the
three services" one after another, advocating "full readiness for
counter-action." And they are frequently staging war
    The non-existent "provocation" and "threat" from the north were used as
pretexts for these moves.
    It was against this backdrop that jo and the commander were closeted
together and called for "cooperation,"
stressing the "need" to "maintain joint defence posture."
    Such ill-boding military movement is arousing our vigilance.
    It reveals the intention of the U.S. and the South Korean bellicose
forces to put the "operation plan 5027-98," a
scenario of war against the DPRK, into practice at any cost this year.
    The facts show that "dialogue" and "cooperation" on the lips of the
U.S. and the South Korean authorities are
hypocritical and that they are still attempting to contain the DPRK militarily.
    Now that the U.S. and the South Korean warhawks are stepping up
preparations for aggression behind the
curtain of "dialogue" and "cooperation" we cannot but consider a strong
self-defense measure.
    If they finally unleash a war, going against the trend of the times,
they will only suffer can ignominious defeat.

Anniversary of Pomminryon north headquarters marked

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The north headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's
Reunification (Pomminryon) received messages of greetings from the joint
secretariat and the south headquarters of
Pomminryon on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of its formation.
    The joint secretariat in its congratulatory message dated Jan. 25
underscored the need to make this year, the 55th
anniversary of Korea's liberation, a new historic year in the struggle for
national reunification. It said: To this end,
we should devote ourselves to the work for resolutely defending and
materializing the three-point charter of national
reunification and turn out in the efforts to achieve great national unity.
    The south headquarters in its message dated Jan. 24 said that it would
do its utmost for reunification, drawing
on and following its past experience and achievements and, in particular,
contribute to building the monument to the
three-point charter of national reunification, construction of which was
agreed last August and is being accelerated
jointly by the north, south and overseas. Koreans, as an excellent grand
    The south headquarters will pay more particular efforts and attention
to realizing national independence and
cementing solidarity and unity with other pro-reunification patriotic
organizations against the moves of the United
States, Japan and Kim Dae Jung separatist "government," and encourage all
people to the vigorous struggle for
reunification, it declared.

Japanese authorities warned not to turn to militarism

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) --A convention of the Japan Liberal
Democratic Party held in Tokyo on
January 19 fixed it as "action program" for the year 2000 to promote the
"official visit to the Yasukuni Shrine."
    Rodong Sinmun today says to pay respect to the "shrine" where the
militarists were entombed is as good as
vowing to wreak the grudge of those who met a deserved judgement by history.
    The news analyst says:
    The Japanese authorities have dared not pay an official visit to the
"shrine." Their efforts to make the "visit"
usual practice and a nationwide event are motivated by the attempt to use
the "shrine" for inciting militarism.
    Japan has already made material and legal preparations for overseas
aggression. So, it concentrates on
ideological preparations to this end.
    The Japanese reactionaries should cool their heads overheated with the
fever of militarism and turn to
contemplation. If they take the road of militarism, they will certainly
meet the same miserable end as that of those
buried in the "shrine."

U.S., root cause of all misfortunes and pains in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in an article
discloses the essence of the "ROK-U.S.
treaty of mutual defence and assistance" cooked up by the U.S. and the
South Korean rulers 50 years ago.
    The article says:
    The "treaty" is a brigandish and subjugating one for the U.S. to
subordinate the South Korean economy and a
predatory one to beef up the U.S.
    The U.S. has rigged up many "treaties" of the kind and turned South
Korea into its colony, appendage, source
of raw materials and market after the occupation of it.
    The U.S. have proclaimed themselves as "liberators", "helpers" and
"friends" of the South Korean people, but
they have never been "protectors".
    The article cites facts to prove that the U.S. has pursued the policy
of military occupation and colonial
enslavement in South Korea for over half a century.
    It continues:
    It is the unchangeable ambition of the U.S. to invade the DPRK with
South Korea as their foothold and,
furthermore, dominate Asia and the rest of the world. For this criminal
ambition they are seeking to perpetuate their
occupation of South Korea.
    The U.S. is the root cause of all the South Korean people's misfortunes
and pain.
    The U.S.'s policy of occupation of South Korea should be terminated as
early as possible.

Campaign to eliminate pro-Japanese elements in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- A brisk campaign is now under way in
South Korea to expose the crimes
of the pro-Japanese elements and punish them.
    Some time ago a rally took place in Seoul to brand the present chief
executive as a "top class pro-Japanese
element" and the self-proclaimed "people's government" as a "pro-Japanese
republic" and severely punish them.
    The Japan-toeing policy of the South Korean rulers and their
pro-Japanese flunkeyist and treacherous acts have
become all the more pronounced.
    Last year they committed such treacheries as totally lifting the step
for restricting Japanese goods and flinging
South Korea open to Japanese goods. Moreover, they sold Tok Islet, an
inviolable land of the country, and a golden
fishing ground around it to Japan for a few dollars, which their
predecessors dared not do. They, at the same time,
flung South Korea open to Japanese culture thus inviting Japanese fashions
and way of life to trample down the
national culture. Worse still, they are going to invite the Japanese
emperor to South Korea and give him a red-carpet
treatment though he is a symbol of Japanese militarism that imposed
unprecedented misfortunes and sufferings upon
the Korean nation. They went the length of "eulogizing" the departed
pro-Japanese traitors and praising Japanese
militarism while crying out for the "Park Chung-hee's memorial" and "Kim
Hwal Ran prize".
    It was the present rulers of South Korea who instigated Japan to
realize its ambition for overseas aggression,
saying that "Japan must lead Asia."
    The South Korean people have already sentenced the rulers to political
death for the disgrace they brought to the
country and the nation.
    The Catholic Justice and Peace Committee, the "Council of Measure for
the Settlement of the Issue of
Volunteers' Corps", the Council of Men of National Literature and other
organizations in their statements and other
documents denounced the pro-Japanese policy of the present chief executive.
    The institute of national issues, a non-governmental organization, is
compiling a 10-volume "dictionary of
names of pro-Japanese elements" which records the names and crimes of the
pro-Japanese elements.
    The South Korean people will never pardon the pro-Japanese elements for
having insulted and betrayed the

Murderers should be made to pay for blood shed by Koreans

    Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- Massacres of peaceable civilians
committed by the U.S. imperialist
aggression forces during the Korean war were intentional and premeditated
crimes perpetrated under carefully
worked out plans, says Minju Joson today in a signed commentary.
    Dealing with the recently-disclosed more than 40 cases of massacres
committed by gis, the commentary says:
    This disclosure laid bare the true colors of the U.S. acting like a
"judge of human rights" in different parts of the
world under the mask of "apostle of peace."
    With no tricks can the United States ever cover up the truth of all the
massacres and human rights abuses
committed by the GIs in South Korea in the last more than 50 years
including the period of the Korean war or evade
its responsibility for the crimes.
    The Korean nation will certainly force the United States to pay for the
enormous damage done to the Korean
people generation after generation.
    The United States should honestly apologize and pay for all their mass
killings committed in Korea. It should
withdraw its aggressor forces from South Korea without delay, which are
chiefly responsible for mass killings and
human rights abuses.
    The United States should be well aware that the wrath of the Korean
people fully determined to make it pay for
the blood shed by Koreans has reached the point of intolerance.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il inspecciona unidad no.1158 de ejercito popular de corea

   pyongyang, 26 de enero (atcc) -- el respetado comandante supremo kim
jong il, presidente del comite de defensa
nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea, inspecciono la
unidad no.1158 del ejercito popular de corea.
    hizo un recorrido, ante todo, por el monumento a la direccion sobre el
terreno del gran presidente kim il sung y
los objetos historicos.
    se entero de las noticias de los soldados con quienes se habia
encontrado el presidente durante su visita de
orientacion a la unidad y se mostro muy satisfecho de que ellos se han
crecido como competentes miembros de
mando militar.
    el camarada comandante supremo presento las tareas programaticas que
sirven de guia para fortalecer la
combatividad de la unidad.
    elogio altamente que la unidad ha acondicionado excelentemente las
instalaciones de intendencia necesarias para
la vida de los soldados y ha preparado las mejores condiciones para su vida
cultural suficiente.
    hizo conocimiento de los alimentos subsidiarios, la temperatura del
dormitorio y el grueso de la ropa enguatada
para los soldados y enfatizo que los miembros de mando deben amar y cuidar
bien a los soldados.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il dio como recuerdo binoculos,
ametralladora y fusil automatico a los
militares de la unidad y se fotografio junto a estos.
    le acompanaron generales del ejercito hyon chol hae y pak jae gyong y
otros generales del ejercito popular de

atcc comenta peligrosa "cooperacion de defensa" estadounidense - surcoreana

    pyongyang, 26 de enero (atcc) -- segun una informacion, jo song thae,
"ministro de defensa nacional" de
sudcorea y el comandante de las fuerzas conjuntas
surcoreano-norteamericanas, en un encuentro, peroraron del
"mantenimiento de posicion de defensa conjunta" y decidieron hacer
"esfuerzos mas activos por la cooperacion".
    esto prueba que las conjuras de ee. uu. y de sudcorea de aventajar a la
rpd de corea y suprimirla en lo militar se
promueven abiertamente en la etapa mas grave.
    las criminales maquinaciones de los belicistas surcoreanos encaminadas
a dar toque final a preparativos de
provocacion de guerra de agresion a norcorea bajo la instigacion de su amo
norteamericano se tornan mas
desesperadas este ano.
    desde los primeros dias de enero estos belicistas al vociferar de la
supuesta "provocacion" y "amenaza" de la
rpdc celebraron sucesivamente la "reunion para la seguridad" y la "reunion
de comandantes de todo el ejercito" y
desarrollan con frecuencia los ejercicios belicos para hacer perfecta la
"postura de enfrentamiento".
    precisamente en este momento los belicistas de ee.uu. y de sudcorea se
encontraron para abordar la
"cooperacion" y la "urgencia del mantenimiento de la postura de defensa
conjunta". este movimiento militar muy
insolito suscita nuestra precaucion.
    esto demuestra que los belicistas de ee.uu. y de sudcorea se proponen
llevar a la practica de todas maneras este
ano el "plan operacional 5027-98" para la guerra de agresion a la rpdc.
    prueba que son hipocritas el "dialogo" y la "cooperacion" de que hablan
ruidosamente ee. uu. y las autoridades
surcoreanas y estos abrigan la malsana intencion de aplastarnos con
"fuerzas" militares.
    puesto que los belicistas de ee.uu y de sudcorea afilan cuchillo de
agresion detras del rotulo del "dialogo" y la
"cooperacion" no podemos menos que tomar medidas de autodefensa perfectas.
    si los belicistas de ee.uu. y de sudcorea desencadenan por fin la
guerra de agresion nadando contra la corriente
de la epoca no podran evitar su derrota ignominiosa.


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