Kim Jong Il praised by O Ik Je

    Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- KCNA received a note from vice-chairman
O Ik Je of the Committee for the
Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland. He wrote it in early November,
Juche 88 (1999) before his return home
after receiving medical treatment in China under the loving care of General
Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    In the note O Ik Je wrote about the loving care shown by Kim Jong Il
for him and the leader's greatness.
    He noted that he was treated under such tender care that details of his
treatment were daily reported to Kim Jong
    Such love was something which his parents failed to show for him, he
added, and continued:
    I received news that General Secretary gave an on-site guidance to the
Kwangmyongsong saltern. I have never
heard in 70 years of my life a leader is so considerate of even salt.
    He is, indeed, the greatest of the great men of the whole world.
    The most precious truth I have learned in two years of my life under
his care is that the capitalist society is the
place to where one should not go again and that a socialist society is a
place good to live in forever.
    True socialism is Juche-based socialism under which I live. Future for
mankind in the 21st century is
Juche-based socialism gaining victory after victory under the wise
leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Under his leadership the people of the DPRK carried out the "arduous
march" and the forced march for a final
victory and they are sure to emerge victorious in their drive to build a
powerful nation.
    Noting that the solicitude bestowed by Kim Jong Il upon him is
immeasurably great, he vowed to devote
himself to the sacred cause of reunification to repay that.

Meeting to celebrate February holiday

    Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- The Sobaeksu Society held a meeting in
Yongdungpho district on January
20 and discussed the issue of significantly celebrating the holiday of
February, Seoul-based radio Voice of National
Salvation quoted the Seoul city committee of the National Democratic Front
of South Korea as saying.
    At the meeting the chairman called for holding colourful functions and
conducting propaganda activities on the
holiday of February to enhance worship for General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    The meeting adopted an action program including the work of addressing
a letter to Kim Jong Il wishing him a
long life in good health, popularizing the "Song of General Kim Jong Il,"
appreciating video show introducing his
greatness and printing postcards.

Joint meeting in China

    Beijing, February 4 (KCNA) -- A joint meeting was held on January 31
under the co-sponsorship of the China
and Beijing associations for international friendly contact to celebrate
the 58th birthday of General Secretary Kim
Jong Il.
    The Korean film "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il gives on-site
guidance to the work in different
sectors" was screened at the meeting.
    The vice-president of the China Association for International Friendly
Contact in his speech said that last year
the Korean people made great achievements in political, economic, military
and other fields in the spirit of
self-reliance and hard struggle true to the last instructions of the
President Kim Il Sung, rallied close around the
Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea headed by Kim Jong Il and
that the Chinese people are rejoiced
over them.
    He expressed the belief that in the New Year the Korean people would
achieve new greater successes in their
struggle for socialist construction and national reunification under the
leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    At the meeting a congratulatory letter and gift to Kim Jong Il were
conveyed in the joint name of the China and
Beijing associations.

Chongryon officials meet Japanese political party officials

    Tokyo, February 4 (KNS-KCNA) -- Chief vice-chairman Ho Jong Man and
vice-chairman Nam Sung U of the
central standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents
in Japan met with secretary general
Yoshiro Mori of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan on January 27.
    Referring to new developments in the improvement of relations between
the DPRK and Japan after the DPRK
visit of the Japanese political parties' delegation, the chief
vice-chairman and the secretary general called for pooling
efforts to put the DPRK-Japan relations on a right track.
    They exchanged views on a series of matters including the living,
rights and "suffrage" of Korean residents in
    Meanwhile, Nam Sung U met with Hiroshi Tsuruoka, deputy representative
of the Komei Party, Tetsuji Kubo,
member of the House of Representatives from the Komei Party who had visited
the DPRK as a member of the
Japanese parties' delegation, and Junichi Fukumoto, member of the House of
Councilors on January 31.
    He pointed to the issues of friendly exchange between the two countries
and the stability and improvement of
living of Koreans in Japan.

Papers call for great advance

    Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- Papers here today carry articles
calling for a new great upsurge following
the torch lit at the Rakwon Machine Plant in order to make a revolutionary
advance in the building of a powerful
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il visited the plant on January 27 to light
a torch for a fresh great revolutionary
    The torch of Rakwon represents a high-pitched drive launched under the
energetic leadership of the respected
Marshal Kim Jong Il on the basis of the foundation laid by him, Rodong
Sinmun says, and continues:
    The torch of Rakwon means a torch for creation and innovation which
fully reflects the single-hearted loyalty of
the workers in Rakwon who have risen up as one to implement his
determination, will and intention to glorify this
year, the WPK's 55th anniversary, with signal victory in the crucible of
greatly increased activity of Chollima.
    This torch lit in the wake of the one that flared up at the Songjin
Steel Works calls for an all-out charge to put
fresh spurs to the second grand Chollima march in the spirit of Kanggye and
attain the goal of building a powerful
nation at any cost.
    It is the call of the party to make a fresh great advance in response
to the appeal of Rakwon.
    Calling for displaying the spirit of devotedly defending the leader
like workers of Rakwon, the paper says
everyone should become a human bomb in devotedly defending Kim Jong Il and
a pacesetter and vanguard in the
present canter march who carries through his noble intention at any cost.
    The paper continues:
    It is an essential demand for making a fresh great advance following
the torch of Rakwon to display to the full
the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude.
    We must break through difficulties and fulfil our pledge made to the
party without fail in any adversity in the
spirit of devotedly implementing the leader's instructions like the ten
party members of Rakwon.
    By learning from their revolutionary views on life, everyone should
consider this difficult march as a cheerful
one and work and construct more and more for the building of a powerful
nation and the happiness of the
generations to come.
    When the torch of Rakwon is seen in flame throughout the country, the
speed of the advance of the Korean
revolution will be immensely picked up to bring earlier a brilliant victory
in the building of a powerful nation.

Japanese reactionaries' fuss about "suspected kidnapping"

    Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- The Japanese authorities are behind the
anti-DPRK smear campaign now
under way in Japan over the "suspected kidnapping," says Rodong Sinmun
today in a signed article.
    Laying bare the aim of this campaign, the article says:
    Now that there are some moves for the normalization of the DPRK-Japan
relations the Japanese authorities are
floating a sheer fiction of "suspected kidnapping" in a bid to twist the
nature of the issue of DPRK-Japan relations
and wrest a concession from the DPRK.
    This diatribe is intended to divert elsewhere world public criticism of
Japan which has neither apologized nor
compensated for its hideous crimes committed against humanity in the past.
    This is also aimed to soothe the Japanese people's grievances against
the Japanese authorities.
    A more sinister aim sought by the Japanese reactionaries through this
is to fan up hostile feelings toward the
DPRK among the Japanese people. Because they need this process before
igniting a war of aggression against the
    Pointing out that this smear campaign over the "suspected kidnapping"
is being conducted under a carefully
worked out plan, the article demands the Japanese authorities stop this
campaign at once.

Halt to moves to develop space weapons demanded

    Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA)-- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary blasts Japan for getting
more zealous in its joint technological research with the U.S. into the
"Theatre Missile Defense" system (TMD).
    The chief cabinet secretary of Japan at a press conference expressed
Japan's intention to go ahead with the joint
research with the United States, asserting that the failed test-fire of its
"National Missile Defense" system would not
affect the research into the TMD. And this is being put into practice.
    The commentary dismisses the Japanese reactionaries' zealous
participation in the moves to establish the TMD
as a dangerous move to accelerate the modernization of their missile forces
and Japan's conversion into a military
power and realize space weaponization.
    Through the TMD Japan seeks to have a military edge and an unchallenged
position in the Asian and Pacific
region and come out in a war for world hegemony, the commentary notes, and
goes on: What merits a serious
attention is that the DPRK is the first target of the TMD on which the U.S.
and Japan work so hard.
    The Japanese reactionaries together with the U.S. have staged madcap
war exercises under the simulated
conditions of a "contingency" on the Korean peninsula since the very outset
of the year in a bid to achieve their
objective of stifling the DPRK militarily.
    These moves of the U.S. and Japan for the TMD and their saber-rattling
only result in escalating the tensions in
East Asia and greatly jeopardize the security of the DPRK. This compels the
DPRK to further increase its defence
capability. It is fully ready for all possible events.
    Japan is well advised to halt its moves to develop the TMD and its
preparations for reinvasion.


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