----- Original Message -----
From: redredred
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 2:17 AM
Subject: [MLL] World Economic Forum

Hereunder is a letter to Parties concerning the World Economic Forum to
be held in Melbourne, September 11-13.

Communist Party of Australia

65 Campbell Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Phone (02) 9212 6855
Fax: (02) 9281 5795
Website: http://www.cpa.org.au

August, 2000

Dear Comrades,

The victory of the very diverse forces united in demonstrations against the
WTO in Seattle revealed the growing understanding that the transnational
corporations and capitalism is the real enemy of the peoples of all
countries. An increasing number of people are coming to see the true nature
of US imperialism and the sinister expansion of its dictatorship throughout
the world.

In Melbourne from September 11 13th will take place the next meeting of
the World Economic Forum. It is the "think tank" and driving force behind
the global economy of the TNCs. Its members include the executives of the
top 1,000 TNCs, politicians, academics, trade ministers and other
influential leaders. This body is unelected and unaccountable to the people
and parliaments of the world, yet they will decide what we read, what we
eat, what we will study in schools, what prices are to be imposed, where
enterprises may be located, where and in what conditions we will work, etc.

Trade unions, church, women's, peace, student, environmental and political
organisations are to
gather in Melbourne during the WEF to protest and demonstrate against the
WEF conference. These organisations are coming together under many slogans
and banners but have been united by the common demand to protest this
conference. It has been called the S11 movement (September 11th being the
first day of the Forum). The Communist Party of Australia will be a
participant in these demonstrations and we will attempt to keep you
informed of the protest demonstrations during this period.

If any members of your Party representatives of your Party press or other
organisations can come to Melbourne at that time they will be most welcome
to participate. (The WEF immediately precedes the opening of the Sydney
Olympics on September 13th). If our Party can be of any assistance to such
Party visitors please inform us and we will provide additional information.


Peter Symon
Party of Australia.

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