(Below is a statement by revolutionary captives in Umraniye Prison,
Istanbul, Turkey. See additional note at the end of this statement, added by
the DHKC London Information Bureau.)

For years, the intifada has continued on the soil of Palestine which is
under Israeli occupation, and it was born, developed and progressed as a
child of the decades of armed struggle which preceded it. When the intifada
became dangerous for reactionary states and imperialism in the Middle East,
imperialism presented the people of Palestine with an imperialist and
reactionary solution. Under the cover of peace, they wanted the Palestinian
people to surrender. But as is shown by the most recent examples, every
attack Israel makes on the Palestinian people meets the response of a
renewed and strengthened intifada. Dozens have paid the price of death at
every encounter but would never surrender, and have  showed that they would
carry the fight to victory. They gave the appropriate reply to the
imperialist policy of surrender.
For revolutionary movements to spread in the Middle East, for the
revolutionary struggle to develop, there must be solidarity in action with
the Palestinian revolution. In the Middle East, which has been a hotbed of
revolution for years, the successful advance of the Palestinian revolution
will affect the peoples throughout the region and push them forward.
For years, our peoples and all revolutionary forces have given the
Palestinian people either active or moral support and shown solidarity with
them; we are making an appeal for active solidarity with the Palestinian
people to be taken to new heights, for they are standing up to the
reactionary forces of the entire world. It must not be forgotten that a
people which fails to perform its international duties can never defeat an
enemy that is united with all the world's reactionary forces, nor will it be
able to look victory in the face.
We are announcing that on October 2, 2000, in order to be on the side of the
Palestinian people in their anger, their vow of vengeance and their
rebellion against imperialism, Israel and all the reactionary forces in the
region, we refused to take part in the evening roll call.
TDP, TKP-Kivilcim Trial prisoners
(Note: Umraniye Prison, on the Asian side of Istanbul, is designed for
prisoners awaiting trial. In Turkey's judicial system, sometimes prisoners
wait for years before coming to trial. Such trials of political prisoners
there, whether or not they have actually taken place, are carried out
according to the "illegal organisation" to which the prisoners supposedly
belong. So there will be references to "DHKP-C Trial prisoners", "PKK Trial
prisoners", "TKP(ML) Trial prisoners" and so on.
Refusing to take part in the roll call is a more serious step than might at
first appear. It, and actions like it, are refusals to comply with prison
regulations, and the guards may respond by launching organised attacks on
certain groups of prisoners, attacks which sometimes result in deaths.
Umraniye Prison was itself the scene of one such massacre in January 1996.
Four DHKP-C prisoners were murdered.
Last month we sent out a note giving details of what the Turkish initials of
organisations mean, plus a few details of their politics. All of the
organisations mentioned above were described in that note, with the
exception of TKP-Kivilcim. This means "Communist Party of Turkey-Spark", and
it is a split from the TKP.)

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