
                    Friday, November 24, 2000, updated at 14:24(GMT+8)

                       Are Cross-Strait Relations Stabilized?

                       Recently, the Japanese monthly, Voice, carried, in
                       its December issue, the text of an exclusive
                       interview with the leader of the Taiwan authorities,
                       one section of his speech has attracted the attention
                       of various quarters. The said section is to the
                       effect that since he came to office on May 20, "the
                       cross-Strait relationship remains in a stable state
                       as it did before the general election," this shows
                       that "the new government's method of handling the
                       cross-Strait relationship should be seen as

                       This statement shows that the speaker was optimistic
                       about his judgement on the current situation
                       regarding the cross-Strait relations, and that he had
                       no worry about the anticipated development prospect
                       of future cross-Strait relationship and he was
                       pleased with the way of his handling the ties between
                       the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. However, what,
                       after all, is the truth about the cross-Strait

                       Since the leader of the Taiwan authorities came to
                       office, the cross-Strait relationship has always been
                       in a tense situation, Western observers likened the
                       relationship to the state of a "fragile balance" or a
                       "balance of terror". The Taiwan authorities refuse to
                       accept the one-China principle, the political
                       deadlock between the two sides has not been broken,
                       there is no mutual trust between the two sides, a
                       state of hostility remains, there is a more intense
                       trial of strength between reunification and
                       independence hidden under the superficial stability
                       of the cross-Strait relations.

                       As the Taiwan authorities are standing on the
                       crossroad of deciding where to go, so is the
                       cross-Strait relationship. It is very dangerous to
                       allow the present deadlock of the cross-Strait
                       relationship and the tense situation to continue for
                       a long time, any subjective, willful move will likely
                       become a blasting fuse that breaks the fragile,
                       temporary and unstable balance and plunge Taiwan into
                       calamities. Can this be a situation for the Taiwan
                       authorities to take pride in"?!

                       Since the leader of the Taiwan authorities came to
                       office, the political and economic situation in the
                       Island has been plunged into utter chaos: endless
                       political struggle between people in power and those
                       not in power, crises facing the administration, a 40
                       percent fall in the stock price within half a year,
                       over NT$200,000 worth of per-capita property loss;
                       the unemployment rate has soared to a new high over
                       the past dozen years, the number of the unemployed
                       has exceeded 300,000 people; social security has
                       deteriorated, the suffering index of people has
                       climbed from 3.97 percent to 4.85 percent, 20 percent
                       of the local people want to migrate overseas;
                       business people lack confidence in the investment
                       environment and their wishes to invest in the island
                       have come to a low point, large numbers of them have
                       left the region, etc.

                       There are many reasons for the emergence of these
                       phenomena, but the occurrence of such a situation is
                       closely related with Taiwan authorities' refusal to
                       accept the one-China principle and their unsteady
                       mainland policy, the tense cross-Strait relations and
                       clouds gathering over the prospect of Taiwan.

                       "Part of the financial and economic problems are
                       caused by the cross-Strait relations" (said former
                       deputy director Kao Kung-lien of Taiwan "mainland
                       affairs council"). Can the leader of Taiwan
                       authorities flatly deny this?

                       People can't help asking: Where is the manifestation
                       of the "success" of the "method used in handling the
                       cross-Strait relations" as claimed by the leader of
                       the Taiwan authorities? What is there in the present
                       state of the cross-Strait relations that makes him
                       feel complacent?!

                       In fact, far-sighted personages at home and abroad,
                       including Lee Kuan Yew, had long before made
                       pertinent criticisms of Taiwan authorities' mainland
                       policy. An active advocator and promoter of the
                       policy "adopting patience in place of impatience" of
                       the former Taiwan authorities, after his return to
                       the island from a recent visit to the mainland,
                       expressed his impressions by saying that he was
                       "shocked" by the development, construction and work
                       efficiency in the mainland; the policy of "adopting
                       patience instead of impatience" does not work,

                       Taiwan businessmen have left for the mainland as far
                       as they can, and they can make money there, too; the
                       question relating to cross-Strait ties is, in the
                       end, a trial of economic strength, but now, as I see
                       it, the time does not lie on the side of Taiwan; as
                       the mainland grows ever-stronger economically, Taiwan
                       is losing its bargaining chips for negotiation.

                       It is believed that the worry of this personage is
                       quite representative and influential in the Island.
                       We wonder if the leader of the Taiwan authorities,
                       after hearing this, still has the feeling or delusion
                       that he can sleep peacefully without worry about the
                       cross-Strait relations and continue to indulge
                       himself in self-intoxication like Ah Q. if he
                       deceives the Taiwan people and befuddle public
                       opinion in this way, then Taiwan is in peril! Or will
                       he wake up suddenly, change his course as soon as
                       possible, and return to the common understanding of
                       the one-China principle guiding cross-Strait
                       relations which was reached in 1992, only by so doing
                       can the cross-Strait relations be guided to "the
                       state of stability"!

                       A signed article by Qin Jing carried on the Overseas
                       Edition of People's Daily

                       Friday, November 24, 2000, updated at 11:22(GMT+8)

                       Fourth ASEAN Informal Summit Begins

                       The Fourth ASEAN Informal Summit began for
                       discussions of issues the leaders are concerned about
                       and interested in on the morning of November 24.

                       Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore, as a host,
                       was the first speaker at the roundtable meeting.

                       The summit is expected to discuss the two reports
                       ASEAN foreign minister agreed at their Thursday's
                       meeting to present to this summit.

                       One is the report presented by ASEAN's Eminent
                       Persons Group (EPG) on steps toward achieving ASEAN's
                       "Vision 2020". The EPG, which was tasked with
                       recommending measures to help create a vibrant and
                       prosperous ASEAN by 2020, met over the past 18 months
                       and came up with a range of recommendations covering
                       financial, trade and investment, social, education
                       and culture, health£¬external relations and

                       Informed sources said that EPG has urged ASEAN to
                       take an active lead in building a regional financial
                       architecture in East Asia towards a new global

                       The other report was presented by ASEAN - Japan
                       Consultation Conference on the Hanoi Plan of Action
                       endorsed by the Sixth ASEAN Summit held at Hanoi at
                       the end of 1998. Some 45 points of recommendations in
                       various areas were reportedly contained in the
                       document with a view to enhance the cooperation
                       between ASEAN and Japan.

                       As at previous informal summits, ASEAN leaders
                       attending the ongoing summit are believed to talk
                       about whatever subjects they would like to touch
                       regarding this regional grouping.

                       Leaders Gathering

                       Heads of state or government of the Association of
                       Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and East Asian
                       countries are arriving in Singapore Thursday
                       (November 23) for summits scheduled for Friday and

                       Among the leaders arriving here are Cambodian Prime
                       Minister Hun Sen, Lao Prime Minister Sisavath
                       Keobounpanth, Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai,
                       Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, Myanmar
                       Prime Minister Than Shwe, Indonesian President
                       Abdurrahman Wahid, Philippine President Joseph
                       Ejercito Estrada, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
                       bin Mohamad, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, South Korean
                       President Kim Dae Jung, Brunei Sultan Haji Hassnal
                       Bolkiah and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori.

                       Officials Prepare for ASEAN Summit

                       Senior officials from members of the Association of
                       Southeast Nations (ASEAN) and East Asian countries
                       gathered November 23 to make preparations for later
                       summits which will involve ASEAN and East Asian

                       The fourth ASEAN Informal Summit, said the officials,
                       is expected to focus on topics of strengthening the
                       regional grouping's unity and moving its integration
                       process forward.


                       Friday, November 24, 2000, updated at 11:22(GMT+8)

                       Israel Must Lift Siege Before Talks Can Resume:
                       Palestinian Minister

                       Palestinian International Cooperation Minister Nabil
                       Shaath said here Thursday the resumption of the
                       Palestinian-Israeli peace talks depends on Israel's
                       end of siege on the Palestinian territories.

                       The official MENA news agency quoted Shaath as saying
                       that Palestinians are ready to resume negotiations
                       with Israel, but the Jewish state must first pull
                       back its forces and lift its closure on the
                       Palestinian self-rule areas.

                       Shaath made the remarks while commenting on a
                       statement by Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami
                       that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat wants to resume
                       the peace process.

                       Shaath said "the Palestinian side has never declared
                       to give up the peace process," adding that it is
                       difficult for the time being to talk about peace when
                       Israel is attacking the Palestinians and putting them
                       under a fatal air, land, and sea closure.

                       He urged Israel to implement the Sharm el Sheikh
                       agreement reached between the two sides last month,
                       which required Israel to withdraw its troops from
                       Palestinian towns they garrisoned after the eruption
                       of the current Palestinian-Israeli clashes.

                       During last month's multilateral summit held at
                       Egypt's Red Sea resort Sharm el Sheikh, Israeli Prime
                       Minister Ehud Barak and Arafat agreed to take
                       measures to stop the bloody clashes between the two
                       sides, which have kill over 260 people, mostly
                       Palestinians, and wounded thousands since late

                       The peace talks between the two sides have not
                       resumed since the collapsed summit between Barak and
                       Arafat hosted by United States President Bill Clinton
                       at Camp David in July.

                       Officials Meet at Erez Checkpoint

                       Senior officials of Israel and the Palestinian
                       National Authority (PNA) met Thursday evening to try
                       to bring calm to the Palestinian territories, Israel
                       Radio reported.

                       Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh and
                       Coordinator for the Territories Maj-Gen Ya'acov Orr
                       met with PNA Minister of Civil Affairs Jamil Tarifi
                       and PNA Secretary-General Tayeb Abdel-Rahim.


Arafat to Arrive in Moscow for Talks with Putin Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat is to arrive in Moscow on Friday (November 24) to discuss the
situation in the Middle East with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the
Palestinian Embassy here said Thursday.

Arafat and Putin will hold talks on "the latest dangerous developments in
the Middle East and the escalation of the Israeli army's military
operations against the people of Palestine," a Palestinian Embassy
spokesman told reporters.

"President Vladimir Putin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat will meet in
the Kremlin on Friday," Putin's spokesman Alexei Gromov confirmed on the
same day.

The meeting has been organized at the request of the Palestinian side, he said.


China Calls for Israeli Restraint over Mideast Violence China called upon
Israel to exercise restraint to prevent the further escalation of the
current confrontation in the Middle East, saying that "the excessive use of
force" will make the prospects for the resumption of the Middle East peace
process even more remote.

The statement came as Wang Yingfan, the Chinese permanent representative to
the United Nations, took the floor at an urgent Security Council meeting on
the Middle East issue.

"The past two days have seen a drastic escalation and spreading of the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict," he said. "We have seen a large increase of
casualties on both sides, including many innocent children."

"The casualties on the Palestinian side is more serious," he said. "The
Palestinian economy has been seriously affected, and the sufferings of the
civilians have been further deepened."

"The Chinese side is against violence of any form," he said. "We always
call on both sides to exercise restraint and take all necessary measures to
prevent the situation from further deteriorating."

"Under the current circumstances, we urge the Israeli side in particular to
exercise restraint," he said. "The excessive use of force can only lead to
a vicious cycle of uncontrollable violence and conflicts, thus making the
prospects for the resumption of Middle East peace process even more

"Now the entire Middle East situation has entered a very dangerous moment,"
Wang said. "We are convinced that peace remains the option for all sides,
and it remains the only option."

The Chinese ambassador noted that UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, as
mandated by the Security Council, is conducting mediations and
consultations among parties concerned.

"China supports the efforts by the secretary-general," he said. "We call on
all parties concerned, especially the Israeli side, to actively cooperate
with the secretary-general, and also support the early start of the work by
the International Fact-finding Committee."

Wang also called on Israel to "give serious consideration to the proposal
of the deployment of international observers in the conflict area, so as to
create favorable conditions for alleviating the situation and resuming the
peace talks."

The Security Council began the urgent meeting Wednesday afternoon to
discuss the escalating violence in the Palestinian territories.

A seven-week-long confrontation between Israelis and Palestinians has
killed nearly 300 people, mostly Palestinians, reports said.

China Voices Concern over Violence in Middle East China is deeply concerned
over the prolonged violent conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian
sides, and calls for an end to the conflict, Chinese Foreign Ministry
Spokesman Sun Yuxi said November 21.

Sun said in a regular press conference here that the prolonged violence has
caused great losses to people of both sides, particularly the Palestinian

President Concerned over Mideast Violence Chinese President Jiang Zemin
October 12 expressed deep concern over the ongoing clashes between Israeli
forces and Palestinians, urging the two sides to act immediately to prevent
the situation from further escalating.

In separate messages sent to Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Jiang said that as the
Palestinian-Israeli peace talks are in a critical stage, China urges all
related parties to take measures immediately to prevent the situation from
deteriorating, and stop all words and deeds not conducive to the talks.


Commentary: Voice of Justice for Defense of Peace The "Resolution Draft on
Safeguarding and Observing the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM for
short)" jointly tabled by China, Russia, Belarussia and Kyrgyzstan was
adopted on November 20 by the 55th UN General Assembly with an overwhelming
majority of 88 votes for and five votes against.

The Resolution calls on the ABM treaty contracting parties to fully and
strictly abide by this treaty and refrain from deploying any anti-ballistic
missile system capable of protecting the whole area of a country. The
Resolution also stresses that violation of this treaty will disrupt global
strategic stability and world peace and hinder the nuclear disarmament

Last year, the 54th UN General Assembly had adopted the resolution on
"Safeguarding and Observing the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty" for the
first time with an overwhelming majority.

The fact that the UN General Assembly this year again passed a similar
resolution fully demonstrates the will and determination of the vast
majority of countries around the world to oppose US development and
deployment of a national missile defense system, and their unwillingness to
see the vigorous efforts to be impacted, efforts made by the international
community in the fields of military control, disarmament and prevention of
nuclear proliferation after the conclusion of the Cold War; it reflects the
common voice of all nations and people, including the Chinese people, in
their expectations for the achievement of the goal for peace, security and

The ABM treaty, reached between the United States and the former Soviet
Union in 1972, is seen as a cornerstone of global strategic stability and
international security as well as US-Soviet (Russian) nuclear disarmament.

In recent years, however, the United States, in a bid to obtain absolute
military superiority and under the pretext of preventing certain "rogue"
countries from launching possible missile attack on it, vigorously pushes
forward the development and deployment of theater missile defense (TMD)
system and national missile defense (NMD) system in flagrant disregard of
the explicit stipulations of the ABM.

This move of the United States will seriously undermine the global
strategic stability, trigger a new arms race, lead to the deterioration of
the international security situation, and has thus naturally encountered
the strong opposition from the international forces of justice.

In the face of the enormous international and domestic pressure, in early
September this year, US President Bill Clinton declared that his country
would temporarily not deploy the national missile defense system.

But it must be noted that this decision of the United States was made under
the circumstance wherein the technology of the United States has not
reached the set standard and its move has met with the resolute opposition
of the international community, its plan for the national missile defense
system has not been abolished, but instead the country continues to
vigorously research and develop the system and conduct relevant tests.
Regarding this, peace-loving people should maintain a sober understanding.

At the turn of the century, how to promote the disarmament process and
safeguard international security is a major and urgent question to the
common concern of various countries around the world. The old security
concept using intensification of arms race as the means does not help
guarantee international security, still less construct lasting world peace,
the self-interest of an individual country seeking absolute nuclear
advantage will eventually suffer serious losses.

For this reason, we advise the United States, which owns the world's
largest nuclear arsenal and bears special responsibility on the issue of
nuclear disarmament, to seize the hour and size up the situation, listen
more carefully to the voice of the international community, strictly abide
by and conscientiously carry out the ABM Treaty, and quickly and thoroughly
abanbon its plan for the national missile defense system which harms others
but does not benefit itself.


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