>#482 Column Written 11/13/2000
>Mumia Abu-Jamal, M.A.
>All Rights Reserved
>        A perfect democracy is therefore the most shameless thing in the
>        -- Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
>        In the ensuing controversy over the 2000 presidential election, the
>average American has had to give some thought to a mysterious institution
>that usually goes ignored: the Electoral College.
>        Well, it should be somewhat mysterious, for it's not a college.  It
>doesn't meet in one place.  It has no professors, nor faculty.  Yet it
>played and continues to play a pivotal role in the U.S. presidential
>        In fact, contrary to what most folks believe, Americans don't vote
>for their presidents.  They vote for electors who in turn vote for the U.S.
>president and vice-president.
>        Who are these unknown, unnamed electors?  They are people chosen at
>a political party's nominating convention, and they are numbered according
>to the number of senators and U.S. representatives in each state (and
>Washington, D.C.).  Every state has 2 senators, so that's 100 electors.
>There's 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, so that's 535
>electors.  Since 1964 Washington, D.C. acquired 3 electors.  The majority of
>those 538 people, or 270 of them, to be exact, chooses who will be the
>president of the United States.
>        Remember the constitutional discussion that refers to "three-fifths
>of a man?" That provision refers to the Electoral College, and gave the
>slaveowning plantocracy in the south the right to count the slave population
>in order to determine the number of representatives in the U.S. House, and
>also the number of electors selected to choose a president in the Electoral
>College.  Even after slavery and the Civil War, the Electoral College was
>used to suppress Black freedom.  If the 2000 presidential election goes as
>it did in 1824, 1876, and 1888, that is, where one person gets the popular
>vote, and another gets the electoral college votes, the latter wins.  Black
>historians Robin R.G.Kelley and Earl Lewis, in their recent work, To Make
>Our World Anew: A History of African-Americans (2000) shows us how this
>process worked shortly after the civil War:
>        In 1876, the federal government withdrew even its marginal support
>for Reconstruction. In the Presidential election of that year, the
>Democratic candidate, Samuel J. Tilden, won the popular vote over the
>Republican nominee, Rutherford B. Hayes.  Because in some states,
>particularly in the South, the votes were contested with both parties
>declaring victory, Tilden did not gain the needed Electoral College votes.
>In 1877 Congress worked out a compromise through a special election
>commission that decided in favor of Hayes by one vote.  Meanwhile,
>Republican and Democratic leaders informally decided that if Southern
>congressmen would accept Hayes, he would withdraw federal troops from the
>South.  Such a policy, which Hayes had favored even before the election,
>would allow white southerners to disenfranchise Southern black men without
>federal interference. [pp. 253-254]
>        The Electoral College was thus a tool of white supremacy and black
>oppression, under the rubric of what came to be called bi-partisanship.  It
>was and remains, profoundly undemocratic.  It is a tool by which the rulers
>rule, and an illusion by which the ruled are led.  It is a tool of democracy
>in name only, and a tyranny of repression.
>        That is American history, which shows us a lot about our present.
>©MAJ 2000
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