>Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 19:17:26 -0500
>Subject:  Cuba-Summary of Colombini Child Custody Case-Granma

>Cuba-Summary of Colombini Child Custody Case-Granma
>Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit
>Granma Internacional Digital, English Edition
>November 23, 2000
>OVER the last few days, U.S. press agencies and the media have reported a
>complaint filed by Jon Kenneth Colombini, U.S. citizen resident in
>Homestead, Florida, regarding the fact that his five-year-old son, Jonathon
>L. Colombini, who was in the custody of his mother, the complainant's
>ex-wife, had disappeared from his usual place of residence. He feared that
>the child, his mother and her current husband had left the country in a
>speedboat heading towards Cuban territory.
>According to information released by the U.S. media, the child's father has
>complained to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), which in turn
>contacted the U.S. State Department in order to try to open diplomatic
>channels for the child's return.
>In relation to this case, we have received the following information from
>the relevant Cuban authorities, which we consider opportune to make known to
>both the Cuban and the U.S. public:
>On the night of November 12, 2000, two men, one woman and two children
>presented themselves at the National Revolutionary Police station in BahÌa
>Honda, Pinar del RÌo province. They announced that they had traveled in a
>speedboat from the United States and had arrived illegally in Cuban
>territory with the aim of remaining in our country.
>These persons identified themselves as:
>. AgustÌn Lemus Arzola, a 37-year-old native of Pinar del RÌo, born on
>. August 28, 1963. Caucasian, married, with secondary-level education and
>. employed as a truck driver. Lived at 408 Geiger Cr., Key Largo, Florida.
>. Arletis Blanco PÈrez, a 29-year-old native of G¸ira de Melena, born on
>. November 21, 1971. Caucasian and married to AgustÌn Lemus Arzola, listed
>. above. Employed and lived at the same address as Lemus Arzola.
>. Yuriel LeÛn Lemus, a 21-year-old native of BahÌa Honda, born on November
>. 24, 1979. Caucasian, single, high school education. Employed in the
>. construction industry and lived at 3200 NW 79th St., Miami, Florida.
>. Jessica Lemus, one year of age. The daughter of Arletis Blanco and AgustÌn
>. Lemus.
>. Jonathon Loren Colombini, five years old. The son of Arletis Blanco.
>The speedboat used was white, of the Mako make and named My Nanna. It was 21
>feet long, had the registration number 5853-AN and had an open deck. It was
>powered by an Evinrude 175-horsepower outboard motor.
>Arletis Blanco PÈrez reported that she had been taken to the United States
>in 1980, when she was eight years old, via the port of Mariel. She confirmed
>that the father of her son Jonathon had lost custody of the child because he
>was an alcoholic. She presented two English-language documents, one
>concerning the final resolution of the dissolution of her marriage to Jon K.
>Colombini dated April 16, 1998, and another with the same date concerning
>alimony payments that Mr. Colombini is obliged to pay her, presumably for
>the maintenance of their son, Jonathon L. Colombini.
>They reported that they had asked to borrow the speedboat from Arletis
>Blanco's brother and had initially taken it to Key West, from where they
>began their journey to Cuba at 9:00 a.m. on November 12. According to their
>statements, the voyage was delayed because of poor weather conditions. In
>order to carry out the plan, AgustÌn Lemus made contact with his cousin
>Yuriel LeÛn Lemus and asked him to pilot the speedboat, since he knew that
>the latter had wanted to return to Cuba practically from the time of his
>arrival in the United States in 1999, due to the poor economic situation he
>AgustÌn Lemus Arzola told the Cuban authorities that the decision to travel
>to Cuba in order to live in our country was taken in conjunction with
>Arletis Blanco. It was determined by the fact that his wife, who worked for
>the JS company, was caught by the company's owner, Juan Emilio Su·rez, while
>secretly recording--on the recommendation of Lemus Arzola, a meeting in
>which the subject under discussion was a problem related to an alleged sale
>of fuel for a boat named Democracia, belonging to the counterrevolutionary
>organization calling itself Democracy Movement. The money from the sale was
>to be invested in the purchase of armaments which would be sent, by way of
>Nicaragua, to internal counterrevolutionaries in Cuba. According to the
>statement, Juan Emilio Su·rez took the recording from Arletis Blanco and
>threatened that if the meeting's subject matter became publicized, he would
>kill both her and her children.
>For her part, Arletis Blanco PÈrez said that the aforementioned JS company
>had sold fuel to the counterrevolutionary Democracy Movement organization
>since December 1998, but that the money resulting from the sales was not
>banked by Juan Emilio Su·rez, but had instead been used to finance the
>activities of another counterrevolutionary organization, Alpha 66, of which
>Su·rez is a member. She added that last August, after talking with her
>husband about the money missing from the company, her certainty that this
>would be discovered and the impossibility of proving what she knew in this
>regard, she decided to record the meeting where one of these sales was
>discussed. It was on that occasion that Su·rez discovered her. Later, at the
>start of November, the company was audited and it was discovered that
>$150,000 USD was missing, which implied that the company would be
>investigated. She said that coinciding with this situation, on November 7,
>she received an anonymous call at her office making threats against her
>children; further calls were made in the following days. She therefore
>decided to return to Cuba to protect her children's lives.
>In its Wednesday, November 22 edition, the Miami daily El Nuevo Herald said
>that the child's father, Jon Colombini, is a kitchen administrator at
>Gusto's Grill & Bar in Florida City. According to the daily, Colombini said,
>"I want my son returned as soon as possible and I will do everything in my
>power to achieve that." He added that he considered Arletis Blanco to be a
>good mother and that they were on cordial terms.
>The same newspaper reports that the previous day, Arletis Blanco had been
>accused of stealing $150,000 USD from the McKenzie Petroleum Company in Key
>Largo, were she had worked. A spokesperson for the Monroe County Police
>Chief's office, Becky Herrin, told El Nuevo Herald that Arletis Blanco's
>family members had handed over a number of cassette tapes in which she
>[Arletis Blanco] admits that she had stolen a large sum of money and that
>she had left Florida to avoid the shame. The spokesperson added that the
>theft from the company was currently under police investigation.
>The Cuban authorities announce that Lemus Arzola and LeÛn Lemus remain under
>detention in Pinar del RÌo, awaiting the results of investigations into this
>matter. Meanwhile, Arletis Blanco PÈrez and her two children are staying
>with AgustÌn Lemus Arzola's family members in Pinar del RÌo province.
>Cases of this type do not usually occur in our country. The Cuban
>authorities are willing to provide all the facilities necessary to process
>any claim that may be presented and the corresponding litigation in relation
>to this case, so that the problem can be resolved as quickly as possible in
>accordance with the pertinent legal proceedings with absolute impartiality
>and a spirit of justice.
>(c) 2000 Granma International Digital, NY Transfer News. All rights reserved.
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