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From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 12:51 AM
Subject: [CrashList] WW: US Army detains 1700 at School of America

subject: WW: US Army detains 1700 at School of America
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Subject: [WW]  U.S. Army detains 1,700 at School of Americas
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000  Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 30, 2000 issue of Workers World newspaper

Army detains 1,700 at School of Americas


By Dianne Mathiowetz
Columbus, Ga.

Thousands of opponents of the School of the Americas at Ft.
Benning in Columbus, Ga., defied a steady downpour and
frigid temperatures to carry out a massive act of political
resistance on Nov. 19.

>From El Salvador to Argentina to Colombia, graduates of this
U.S. Army training school have been involved in numerous
military coups, massacres, political murders, rape and
torture of prisoners, "disappearances" of civilians as well
as drug-running and other crimes. Washington has supported
all the governments and agents carrying out these crimes.

Dressed in black shrouds, carrying coffins and crosses
inscribed with the names of those killed by SOA-trained
troops throughout Latin America, over 3,500 people entered
Ft. Benning in a solemn procession.

After marching nearly a half-mile onto the military camp,
protesters lowered the coffins to the ground and poured red
paint on the shrouded and masked lead contingent, who then
fell to the wet ground, refusing to get up.

Military police picked them up and placed them on canvas
litters in order to take them to be processed. The hundreds
of crosses put into the ground created a symbolic cemetery
of the School of the Americas' victims. "No mas, no more,"
chanted the demonstrators.

A second wave of protesters, carrying giant paper mache
puppets, crossed onto Ft. Benning. These anti-globalization
activists and puppeteers, whose street theater has enlivened
protests from Seattle to the country's capital, created a
colorful display of popular resistance.

Randy Serraglio, who spent six months in a federal prison
for trespassing on Ft. Benning in previous years, explained
that they would plant corn seeds on the military property.
"Corn is life," Serraglio said of that powerful Latin
American cultural symbol. "We are talking about hope for the


The addition of anti-globalization forces underscored the
expanding awareness of the link between U.S. military policy
and corporate domination in the world.

Katherine Cristiani, a senior at Oberlin College in Ohio,
explained why she was participating in the action. She said,
"I think the School of the Americas is a symbol of the role
of violence and exploitation that the U.S. has played in
South America."

More than 1,700 people were held by military authorities,
who established their identities and handed them letters
banning them from the base for five years.

The U.S. attorney's office will determine if any of the
protesters will be prosecuted on charges of trespassing,
resisting arrest or assaulting law-enforcement officers. In
1999, 65 people were cited out of the over 6,000 who crossed
onto the base. Post Commander Major General John LeMoye said
he decided to cite more demonstrators this year to "give us
an opportunity to engage in dialogue about the school."

Starting in 1946, with the school located in Panama, the
U.S. began training the militaries of Latin America as part
of its Cold War strategy of containing popular movements.
The 1977 Panama Canal Treaty that turned the waterway over
to the Panamanian government also forced the School of the
Americas to relocate to Ft. Benning. This took place in

Close to 60,000 members of the militaries of 22 Latin
American countries have received advanced training at the
SOA in its more than 50 years of existence.

For Father Roy Bourgeois, founder of SOAWatch, which
initiated the campaign to close the School of the Americas,
it was events in El Salvador that revealed the deadly impact
of this "advanced training."

SOA-trained soldiers massacred over 900 men, women and
children in the village of El Mozote. They carried out the
assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero as he celebrated
mass. The school's graduates also murdered six Jesuit
priests, their housekeeper and her 15-year-old daughter on
the grounds of the University of Central America in San


Ten years of protest have put a spotlight on the SOA's role
in the repression exercised by military and police
throughout Latin America.

An SOA training manual openly suggested the establishment of
bounties and the summary execution of suspected "guerillas."
When this manual was discovered, U.S. military officials at
the School dismissed this instruction as "optional."

While the Pentagon claims that the school offers "human
rights" training and strengthens "democracy," the record
shows that under the rule of SOA graduate Rios Montt of
Guatamala, hundreds of thousands of Indigenous people were
murdered, tortured, disappeared and forced into exile.

Likewise, in Argentina, when SOA graduate Leopolo Galtieri
led the military, more than 30,000 civilians were killed or
disappeared in what is known as the "dirty war." In
Colombia, where the U.S. has just authorized an additional
$1.3 billion in aid, mostly for high-tech weaponry, half of
those cited for human-rights violations were trained at the

These and many other examples are fueling the movement to
end Congressional funding to the school.


The U.S. military has attempted to defuse and confuse the
movement by officially closing the SOA on Dec. 15 and re-
opening it on Jan 17, 2001, with a new name, the Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.

The "new" school will have an oversight board of civilians
and require mandatory human-rights courses. Signs at the
protest saying "New name, same shame" indicate that no one
was taken in by this public-relations ploy.

The next national action of SOAWatch will take place in
Washington from March 29-April 3 to demand that the new
Congress and president close the School of the Americas for
good. For more information, call (202) 234-3440 or visit the
Web site www.soaw.org.

- END -

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