>From: "cpiml" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>ML Update : A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
>Vol.-3; No.-47; 29-11-2000
>Images of Globalisation and the Gospels of Vajpayee
>After his knees, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee has now become worried
>about the 'image' of globalisation in this country. Addressing the India
>Economic Summit sponsored by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and
>the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the capital on November 26, Vajpayee
>proposed a nine-point social charter for business which he believes can change
>the 'image' of globalisation. Instead of being perceived as a 'threat', he
>wants globalisation to be treated as an 'opportunity'. The Prime Minister of
>course noted the growing trend of global protests against globalisation and
>reassured the foreign and Indian big capital that his government was
>determined to overcome all resistance and push through the entire gamut of
>pending reforms at an increasingly quicker pace.
>Under the BJP-led NDA dispensation, the government of India has already been
>withdrawing itself rapidly from almost every field of industrial production
>and financial service. Now the government wants to retreat even from the
>social sectors like healthcare and education and hand over the reins of almost
>all spheres of public life to the private industry. Newspaper reports of the
>Sunday summit say that the CII has 'spontaneously' accepted the entire charter
>proposed by the Prime Minister the details of which have however not been
>revealed. The CII has only declared that all its members will take charge of
>at least one primary school and one primary healthcare centre! Not to be left
>behind, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) is
>also organising an international conference on globalisation and democracy in
>Delhi on December 5-6.
>Interestingly, all these consultancy and counseling sessions to improve the
>image of the economic reforms are taking place at a time when farmers are
>exploding in rage in every state around Delhi and the capital itself has been
>witnessing a pitched battle being fought by lakhs of workers and even owners
>of the small-scale industry in Delhi. While the Prime Minister whiled away his
>lazy Sunday philosophising on the 'image' of globalisation which also
>overshadows the 'image' of his pseudo-swadeshi government, Delhi began the
>next week with a total bandh on a usually busy Monday.
>The 'image' of globalisation, and for that matter of the biggest 'swadeshi'
>contractor of this project, will of course continue to be decided by the
>actual events on the ground, the real implementation of the policies and the
>impact experienced by the concerned people. Take the case of Delhi. The
>Supreme Court has asked the Union Urban Development Ministry and the Delhi
>Government to enforce the Master Plan 2001 for the capital. Now this plan is
>nothing but a design of deindustrialisation of Delhi. And the apex court of
>India is serving in this case as a ruthless destroyer. Having ordered the
>closure/relocation of 168 'noxious and hazardous' industries on July 8, 1996,
>the Court is now asking for similar relocation/closure of 97,600 small and
>medium industrial units employing an estimated two million workers for the
>reason that these units are located in areas earmarked as 'residential' or
>non-industrial localities.
>The opposition to industry is not prompted by the fear of pollution alone. And
>the figures, in any way, do not support the pollution argument. Compared to
>1970-71 when the industry used to account for 56% of Delhi's air pollution
>with vehicles contributing only 23%, the proportion today is vastly changed.
>The four million strong vehicular population in Delhi now supplies 76% of
>Delhi's air pollution while the share of industry has come down to only 20%.
>And this spurt in vehicular population and pollution is a direct offshoot of
>the neglect and collapse of Delhi's public transport system. Even in terms of
>water pollution, while municipal waste amounts to 1900 million litres per day
>(MLD), industrial waste stands at 320 MLD. The deindustrialisation design is
>also marked by a not-so-concealed prejudice and hatred against the immigrant
>worker and the squatters. The Union Urban Development Minister Jagmohan,
>notorious for his demolition activities since the Emergency of 1975, has said
>"The migrants and squatters, like plague or some other rare kind of fever,
>will cripple and kill Shajahanabad too. Its tradition, its culture, its charm
>... will all be swept by the flood of migrants and squatters." The official
>report on Jhuggi-Jhopri (Slum areas) Settlements in Delhi (Part II) clearly
>shares this attitude: "Bastis are the plague spots in any urban setting. ...
>They are concentrated areas of insanitation, crime and vice that are both a
>disgrace and a danger to the city as a whole."
>The designers of globalisation want to remove all industry and workers and the
>settlements of toiling people from Delhi. They want to reserve the capital for
>the affluent elite, the political brokers, and their foreign mentors and
>masters. If this is how an elected 'democratic' government treats the ordinary
>citizens right in the capital, one can easily imagine the fate of the rural
>poor and dalits and adivasis labouring away in far-flung areas. The problem
>lies with the brutal reality of globalisation and not with its 'image'. And
>the 'image', Mr. Prime Minister, cannot be altered by duping the people with
>illusions, however heavily your state-in-retreat may choose to subsidise the
>illusion industry. And as the saying goes, you can't fool all of the people
>all of the time!
>Press release
>Party Condemns Civil Liberties Activist's Murder
>The CPI(ML) strongly condemned the murderous assault on the prominent civil
>rights activist T. Purushottam in Hyderabad on 23 Nov. The barbaric manner in
>which this popular figure of the civil rights movement was murdered indicates
>a deliberate attempt on part of the Chandrababu Naidu Government and its
>police machinery to terrorise and silence the movement for civil liberties in
>Andhra Pradesh. This is further borne out by the fact that Purushottam was
>recently targeted for attack by the notorious Greyhounds-backed vigilante
>force, the "Green Tigers".
>The Naidu government's crackdown on the civil rights movement ties up with the
>spiralling incidence of civil rights violations all over the country in the
>NDA regime, of which Naidu's TDP is a partner. In order to bulldoze its
>anti-people policies of privatisation, the NDA and its partners in their
>respective states are not only crossing all limits of civil rights violations
>in their crackdown on peoples' protests, but are also resorting to brutal
>terror tactics to silence the voices of dissent in society. Expressing
>solidarity with the APCLC in its ongoing battle for civil liberties in the
>state, Party also supported the demand by civil rights activists that the
>Chief Minister Naidu should take responsibility for the murder.
>Picket Before Councilor
>On Nov. 26, Shakarpur (Delhi) unit of Jhuggi-Jhopadi Samyukt Sangharsh Samiti
>(slum dwellers united struggle forum ) and RYA organised a picketing in front
>of the local BJP councillor. The agitators took him to task for his criminal
>negligence towards the basic minimum needs of the slumdwellers, viz., drinking
>water, ration card, sanitation, school, road and electricity. The picket was
>lead and addressed by CPI(ML) leader Sunita, RYA leaders Shashi Bhushan, Ravi
>Kumar and others.
>Earlier, on Nov. 19, Mandawali  (East Delhi) Nagarik Sabha staged a dharna in
>front of the local Congress(I) MLA, charging her for gross negligence towards
>developmental work in the area and demanded submission of accounts of the
>development fund to public.
>Land Struggle in W. B.
>On Nov. 10, No.12 Barua area unit of the Party under Raiganj P.S. of North
>Dinajpur led the landless labourers to seize 4 bighas of vest land in
>Chatrapur village and distributed it among 52 poor families as house sites.
>After a prolonged struggle, on Nov. 9 peasants succeeded in harvesting paddy
>crop on 11 bighas of land in Bhatigram under Itahar P.S. They had obtained
>pattas for this land 20 years back, but the local landlord forcibly kept it
>under his occupation.
>In Fadilpur of Raiganj, hundreds of peasants successfully harvested 7 bighas
>of land that was under occupation of hoodlums backed by CPI(M), belonging to
>the neighboring village. Peasants of the village had obtained patta for 16
>bighas of land 20 years back. It should be remembered that five years ago, a
>CPI(ML) supporter Com. Rohini Das died a martyr in the struggle centering this
>Report From Chhattisgarh
>A demonstration-cum -dharna was organised in front of the BDO office, Bilha on
>Nov. 13 against the illegal appointment of the Works Committee president. The
>BDO was ultimately compelled to cancel the appointment and entrust the work to
>the surpanch. He assured to immediately arrange for installing hand-pumps and
>digging the ponds.
>A Party delegation submitted a memorandum to the Governor through the D.C. on
>Nov. 21, demanding proclamation of 11 districts as drought-hit and ensuring
>all-out relief operations on war-footing.
>Dharna in Dispur
>National Electricity Workers and Engineers' Coordination Committee called for
>a nation-wide dharna on 15 Nov. on demand of withdrawal of "Electricity
>Bill-2000". In Assam, a dharna was organised in Dispur (near the Assam
>Assembly gate) jointly by the Association of Power Engineers of Assam &
>Meghalaya and Assam State Power Workers' Union.
>Tea- Worker demanded a Special Assembly Session
>Assam Sangrami Chah Shramik Sangh (ASCSS), the tea-workers' union affiliated
>to AICCTU has demanded from the Governor, through a memorandum submitted on
>Nov. 6, that a special Assembly sesion be convened to discuss the demands and
>problems of tea garden workers, viz., a minimum daily wages of Rs 49, apart
>from providing residential quarters, medical and other facilities. Although
>the expert committee set up by Assam Govt. in 1998 had recommended these
>things, the Govt. did not implement them. On the contrary, it extended tacit
>support to the arbitrary wages (Rs.37) and conditionalities imposed by the
>owners violating the labour law. Thus this vast population of tea workers is
>forced to live in inhuman conditions.
>Meanwhile CPI(ML), Pragatisheel Nari Santha, RYA and ASCSS jointly
>demonstrated in front of Dibrugarh DC protesting the murder of a tea-garden
>worker in Nahrkatia tea-garden and demanding roll back the hike in the prices
>of petro-products. In a memorandum to the Governor they demanded life
>imprisonment to the murderer and due compensation to the family.
>Rally to Demand Autonmy to Mishing People
>Mishing Memang Kebang (MMK) and TMPK held a massive "Unity Rally" on 25 Nov.
>to demand delimitation of the boundaries of Mishing Autonomous Council (MAC)
>and handing them over the functional powers. It can be recalled that Assam
>Govt. had signed a treaty with organisations like MMK, TMPK and TMMK on 28
>April 1998 to revise the MAC Act within 8 months and implement other demands.
>But so far the Mishig problem remains to be solved.
>Bihar : Police-raj
>"Here, police is the friend in need of the criminals and enemy indeed of the
>people", observed the "Itawa- Shahpur police firing" investigation team headed
>by CPI(ML) leader and Ex-MP Rameshwar Prasad. For the last one month
>Itawa-Shahpur area has been turned into a haunting ground for the criminals
>with local police remaining 'silent' even after getting reports from the
>villagers. In this course, one Sagartwiha of Itawa village was murdred by the
>criminals in the nearby field at 7 p.m. of Nov. 16. Police was informed
>immediately. But they did not even move to nab the criminals. Next morning,
>the villagers apprehended of a suspect, handed him over to police. But the
>police let him free without any proper investigation. The same evening , on
>the way back home from Shahpur market, two villagers were robbed and beaten-up
>by the criminals. Again the police remained conspicuously silent. Bursting
>with anger, the villagers blocked the nearby highway in the night of 17 Nov.
>Next morning police chased the villagers with lathi and bayonets and even
>resorted to firing killing a 17-year old youth Ramesh Rajak moving with his
>ass and seriously injuring 5 other villagers.
>n Amarpura (Patna), Nov. 10, 2000. Two CRPF jawans of the Police camp asked
>two students to fetch them countrymade liquor. On their refusal to oblige, the
>'jawans' hit the teenagers with bayonet causing serious injury. Enraged masses
>of the area took to the streets in protest. In face of the uncompromising mood
>of the people, the authorities well compelled to suspend the CRPF men.
>n Parsa Bazar (Patna), Nov. 17. One Bala Manjhi of Jhaichowk village was
>crushed to death by a track. Receiving bribe from the truck owner, the OC of
>Parsa Bajar P.S. shut the accident case, declaring the corpse of Bala Manjhi
>as 'unclaimed'. As the news spread, people in hundreds rushed to the police
>station. Under mass pressure an FIR was lodged against the truck-owner and
>compensation to the deceased was assured.
>n Nov. 11. Local Party activist Com. Munilal Bind was killed by Sanket Yadav
>gang of Naubatpur. Police remained a helpless spectator.
>n Nov. 22. Local Party activist Dinesh Bind (28 yrs.) was killed by PWG-goons
>at Begumchak of Masaurhi P.S. This apart, the PWG-armed gang dashed into
>Rajochak tola in the darkness of night, beat the poor villagers and threatened
>them of dire consequences should they not dissociate themselves from "Maley",
>i.e., CPI (ML)-Liberation.
>Delhi Bandh to Protest Eviction of Small Industries
>Called by Laghu Udyog Sangharsh Samiti (Small Scale Industry Struggle
>Committee) and Delhi Manufacturers Federation to protest the eviction of
>around one lakh small scale industrial units from residential areas, Delhi
>bandh on 27 Nov. almost paralysed the normal life. Despite largescale arrests
>and teargas shells at scores of places, traffic was blocked at several places.
>Apart from political parties, Forum of Delhi Traders Associations and Delhi
>Bachao Samiti had extended their support to the bandh. The govt. under the
>pretext of beutification of Delhi has first evicted slumdwellers, razing their
>slums to ground at several places in the city, and now showing their fascist
>colours they are ousting 2 million people from employment. So the bandh call
>was fully supported by the unorganised working class.
>Railwaymen Stage Dharna Before Parliament
>About 350 railwaymen under the banner of A.I.R.E.C. staged a dharna before
>Parliament on Nov. 21. Their main demands were negotiating facilities to
>A.I.R.E.C., withdrawal of victimisations, removal of anomalies arising out of
>recommendations of the Fifth C.P.C., stopping privatisation in the railways
>and other establishments. Com. D.N. S. S. Srinivas Rao, President, inaugurated
>the dharna and Com. CM Singh, CD Singh, A.C. Sharma, Rabi Sen, Rajaiah (M.P.)
>also addressed the gathering. All the trade union leaders flayed the
>government for its anti-working class policies and stressed the need for
>united struggle as well as solidarity movement. Later a delegation met the
>Railways Minister Mamata Bannerjee and handed over the memorandum.
>Farmers' Issue Finds Echo in Parliament
>"India's agriculture is at the crossroads and food security could be in
>jeopardy if corrective measures were not taken on a war footing", said
>Manmohan Singh in Rajya Sabha. In the first week Congress brought an
>adjournment motion in Lok Sabha that was defeated, but the issue did not die
>down. On 27 Nov. , in Lok Sabha SP and RJD MPs stormed the well of the house
>in the morning, terming the Union Agriculture Minister's reply last week
>lacking in substance, they said farmers in several States were being forced
>into distress sales. The government must arrange to buy their produce as was
>done in Punjab, they demanded. Mr Vikram Verma of BJP said that as a result of
>impoverishment some farmers in M.P. had committed suicide. S Ramchandra Pillai
>of CPI(M) said that some farmers have started selling their belongings to
>repay their debts and were now left without any alternative employment.
>National Convention Against Nuclear Weapons
>"National Convention for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace", held in Delhi, from
>11 to 13 Nov., ended with the formation of a "National Coalition for Nuclear
>Disarmament and Peace". Besides 600 delegates from India, there were about 50
>solidarity delegates attending the convention who came from Pakistan,
>Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia, UK, USA, Canada,
>Netherlands and France.
>The convention declared that "India's self-declared entry into the nuclear
>weapons club is ethically reprehensible, socially, poliically and economically
>ruinous, and deserves unequivocal condemnation." The struggle centering the
>demand to halt and roll back India's nuclear weapon-related preparations would
>be the primary basis of the national coalition. The convention demanded all
>the N-5 countries USA, Russia, China, Britain, France as well as Pakistan,
>Israel to move ahead towards the creation of a nuclear weapons-free world. The
>convention strongly condemned the American move for initiating National
>Missile Defense (NMD) and Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) systems, which is
>likely to seriously upset and even reverse the global efforts to move towards
>universal nuclear disarmament and urged the Indian Govt. to take up the issue
>at the highest level with the US administration.
>Rise Against Globalisation and for Democracy
> The new economic policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation
>have begun to play havoc with the lives and livelihood of large sections of
>Indian working population. From the organised working class and the rural poor
>to the small farmer and small-scale sector industry, millions of people have
>already been hit hard by the ongoing reforms. There is a groundswell of
>popular anger against the devastating impact of the new policies and the anger
>is manifesting itself through spontaneous mass struggles.
> While the people's anger is mounting and beginning to explode, the ruling
>class parties suffer from a tremendous crisis of credibility and find
>themselves greatly handicapped in coping with this groundswell of mass
>resentment. Both the BJP and the Congress have been thoroughly exposed in the
>matter of economic policy. The so-called non-Congress non-BJP Left and
>centrist parties have also been exposed in varying degrees especially
>following the brief stint of the United Front government and in any case,
>their ongoing negotiations to form yet another third front, are far removed
>from the actual theatre of mounting mass anger and mass struggles. The
>resultant situation is thus marked by a serious mismatch between the mood of
>the people and the available political response of the established parties.
> Against this backdrop, the CPI(ML) sincerely urges upon the left and
>democratic individuals and organisations to come forward, render a more active
>and more dynamic role in building an effective and broadest possible national
>forum against imperialist globalisation.
>Disseminating information and analysis about the impact of globalisation and
>new economic policies on different sectors and strengthening the actual
>movement on the ground with a consistent exposure campaign may be the main
>focus of this forum. Conventions, talks, padyatras, popular booklets and other
>propaganda materials may be the suitable forms and vehicles for such an
>exposure campaign. As opposed to the politics of pressure groups or lobbies,
>such a forum may be inclined in favour of radical mass politics. While
>demarcating itself clearly from the RSS practitioners of 'Swadeshi', it may
>uphold the militant and anti-imperialist legacy of the Indian people.
>Cuba Solidarity Conference
>Second World Conference of 'Friendship and Solidarity with Cuba' held on Nov.
>10-14 with 4664 delegates from 118 nations. There would have been more, if not
>for the travel limitations caused by the U.S.blockade. The delegates were more
>than happy to make the sacrifice to travel to socialist Cuba and show their
>utmost solidarity with the revolution. The Cuban Institute for Friendship with
>the Peoples (ICAP) President Sergio Corrieri set the tone while opening the
>conference: "Our economic free-fall had touched bottom." At the same time,
>Washington tightened the blockade and the Cuban-American right wing in Miami
>stepped up its hostile acts. "Six years have gone by and here we are, in
>revolutionary Cuba, who have not come to terms with an unjust, oppressive and
>cruel world." "The solidarity movement is not homogenous, but that is its
>strength', he said, "A beautiful flower has blossomed forth out of the bloody
>and bitter ground of our common struggle-the flower of friendship and
>solidarity. Let us take care of it; it is the daughter of rebelliousness and
>of the refusal to put up with injustice." At the end, the international
>delegates together with cuban people told the U.S. government: Lift the
>blockade of Cuba now.
>General Strike in Argentina


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