
                       Wednesday, November 29, 2000, updated at 12:17(GMT+8)

                       Sanctions Against Iraq Be Removed as Soon as Possible

                       The sanction initiated by the United States against
                       Iraq has continued for 10 years. Although Iraq has
                       made strenuous efforts for the relief of sanctions,
                       and the international community has repeatedly
                       appealed for the release of sanctions against Iraq,
                       the United States, however, has not untied Iraq. The
                       more than 22 million innocent Iraqi people are still
                       suffering all sorts of torments.

                       In the international public opinion, solution of the
                       Iraq issue shouldn't be delayed indefinitely, and
                       sanctions against Iraq should all the more be removed
                       at the earliest possible date.

                       The US application of sanction against Iraq is aimed
                       at getting rid of the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
                       This, in itself, is a hegemonic act of interfering in
                       the internal affairs, and encroachment on the
                       sovereignty, of another country. The sanction is, in
                       essence, to take the Iraqi people as "hostages".

                       The decade-long sanction has led to the economic
                       depression of Iraq and the death of 1.5 million Iraqi
                       people due to the shortage of doctors and medicine
                       and undernourishment. According to a WHO report, the
                       sanction has entailed the retrogression of 50 years
                       of the Iraqi people's health level. This has once
                       again exposed to the world the hypocrisy of the
                       United States as it kept on prating about "human

                       US sanction against Iraq is aimed not at upholding
                       international justice, but rather at controlling this
                       oil-rich strategic place in the Middle East, this is
                       known to everybody. The United States pursues its own
                       strategic interests in disregard of the life and
                       death of the Iraqi people, this is indeed unpopular.

                       Recently, government officials and ordinary people of
                       some countries went to Iraq in defiance of US
                       opposition and by breaking through obstructions,
                       airplanes of Russia, Germany and France also flew to
                       Iraq despite the "prohibition". This fact shows that
                       it has become increasingly difficult to continue the
                       sanction against Iraq.

                       Imposing sanction on other countries at every turn is
                       a typical feature of the practice of the hegemonists.
                       It should be pointed out that sanction is a rapier,
                       although it harms the object of sanctions, for the
                       user of sanctions, it is not to have everything to
                       gain and nothing to lose.

                       Furthermore, history has proved that it has always
                       been difficult for the use of this method to be
                       successful. Today, when peace has become a trend of
                       the world and economic globalization has been
                       developing vigorously, the interests between
                       countries are interwoven and linked to each other
                       closely, the continued use of this method is all the
                       more unworkable.

                       It is not that the United States itself has nothing
                       to lose in its sanction against Iraq. Reports say
                       that in maintaining its military moves in the
                       "prohibited flying zone" in Iraq alone, the United
                       States has to spend US$2 billion a year. US refusal
                       to remove sanctions against Iraq has made it face a
                       difficult choice: it may be either international
                       sanctions exist in name only; or economically, the
                       United States undertakes an increasingly heavy
                       burden, morally, it meets with more and more
                       international censure. Obviously, the best choice for
                       the United States is to bring about a comprehensive,
                       just and reasonable solution to the Iraq issue as
                       soon as possible.

                       Children, Elderly Die Under Sanctions

                       Iraq says over 10,000 children and elderly people
                       died in August as a direct result of the decade-old
                       United Nations sanctions imposed on it.

                       The country's Health Ministry says the high mortality
                       rate, due to malnutrition and medicine shortages
                       caused by the sanctions, is in sharp contrast with
                       the same month in 1989, when less than 800 children
                       and elderly people died.

                       By PD Online staff Liang Faming


China Calls for Joint Efforts to Combat Climate Change China has called for
joint efforts by the whole of humanity to combat climate change, according
to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue Tuesday, November 28.

Zhang made the remark in response to a question raised by a journalist at a
regular press briefing.

The United Nations framework convention and the Kyoto protocol are two
great achievements of the international community in their struggle against
climate change, Zhang said.

The sixth conference of the United Nations framework convention on climate
change, which was held in Hague of the Netherlands this month, received
great attention from all participating countries, the spokeswoman said.

All relevant countries have been looking forward to the implementation of
the principles of the convention and the protocol, especially the three
mechanisms -- the clean development mechanism, joint implementation and
emission trading.

The Hague conference ended without any substantial results because "certain
developed nations were not willing to perform their duties", which "China
deeply regrets", said Zhang.

China believes that humans will reach their prospective goals on this
critical issue only through unremitting effort and by adhering to the set
principles and goals spelt out in the convention and the protocol, Zhang


China to Strengthen Ties with Peru
China and Peru have maintained traditional friendly and cooperative
relations and China wishes to push forward such relations, said Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue at Tuesday's press conference.

Zhang said this in response to a question regarding the recent situation in

The Chinese government has been attentive to the development in Peru, and
China is pleased to see Peru's Congress leader Valentin Paniagua sworn in
last Wednesday as the interim president of Peru.

China hopes Peru will restore political stability and maintain economic
development, which will serve the interests of the country as well as its


Peace Talks Only Way Out for Palestine Issue: Chinese PM Premier Zhu Rongji
said that the only way out for the Palestine issue is a political solution
through peaceful talks on the basis of relevant UN resolutions and under
the "land-for-peace" principle.

"This will not only serve the fundamental interests of all countries in the
region, including Palestine and Israel, but also contribute to peace and
stability in the region and the world at large," Zhu said in a message
Tuesday to a New York conference marking the International Day of
Solidarity with the Palestinian People scheduled for Wednesday, November

"The Palestine issue is at the core of the Middle East question."

Zhu approved of Palestinian people's efforts to recover lost territory,
return to their homeland and restore legitimate national rights and

"We hold that legitimate national rights and interests of the Palestinian
people should be restored, and that the Palestinian people have the right
to establish their independent state, and sovereignty and security of all
countries in the Middle East be guaranteed.

"Only in this way can a comprehensive, just and lasting peace be realized
in the Middle East region."

Zhu also expressed grave concerns over the violent clashes between Israel
and Palestinians since September.

"Such developments fully indicate that a comprehensive and just settlement
of the Palestine issue is still faced with major difficulties and obstacles
and that the efforts of the Palestinian people to fully restore their
legitimate national rights and interests call for still greater support and
assistance from all peace-loving forces in the world," Zhu said.

As amply shown by facts, he said, the use of force can only lead to further
deterioration of the situation and political negotiations are the only way

"We strongly appeal to all parties concerned to return to the negotiating
table and seek a peaceful solution to the question."

Zhu also called on the international community, especially the UN, to play
a "bigger and more active role" and pledged China's support for the Middle
East peace process and its willingness to cooperate with other countries in
this regard.

Peace Talks Only Way Out for Palestine Issue: Chinese PM Premier Zhu Rongji
said that the only way out for the Palestine issue is a political solution
through peaceful talks on the basis of relevant UN resolutions and under
the "land-for-peace" principle.

"This will not only serve the fundamental interests of all countries in the
region, including Palestine and Israel, but also contribute to peace and
stability in the region and the world at large," Zhu said in a message
Tuesday to a New York conference marking the International Day of
Solidarity with the Palestinian People scheduled for Wednesday, November

"The Palestine issue is at the core of the Middle East question."

Zhu approved of Palestinian people's efforts to recover lost territory,
return to their homeland and restore legitimate national rights and

"We hold that legitimate national rights and interests of the Palestinian
people should be restored, and that the Palestinian people have the right
to establish their independent state, and sovereignty and security of all
countries in the Middle East be guaranteed.

"Only in this way can a comprehensive, just and lasting peace be realized
in the Middle East region."

Zhu also expressed grave concerns over the violent clashes between Israel
and Palestinians since September.

"Such developments fully indicate that a comprehensive and just settlement
of the Palestine issue is still faced with major difficulties and obstacles
and that the efforts of the Palestinian people to fully restore their
legitimate national rights and interests call for still greater support and
assistance from all peace-loving forces in the world," Zhu said.

As amply shown by facts, he said, the use of force can only lead to further
deterioration of the situation and political negotiations are the only way

"We strongly appeal to all parties concerned to return to the negotiating
table and seek a peaceful solution to the question."

Zhu also called on the international community, especially the UN, to play
a "bigger and more active role" and pledged China's support for the Middle
East peace process and its willingness to cooperate with other countries in
this regard.


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