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----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@mandy.eunet.fi>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 5:56 PM
Subject: Yugoslavia, China Sign Joint Communique

> Yugoslavia, China Sign Joint Communique
> Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and his Yugoslav counterpart Goran
> Svilanovic signed a joint communique between the two countries in Belgrade on Sunday,
> December 3.
> Maintenance and continued development of the mutually beneficial cooperation on an
> equal footing between the two countries in various fields is in keeping with the
> fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, and is also conducive to 
> and stability of the region and the world at large, the communique said.
> The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia values the important role China plays in
> international affairs and highly appreciates the positive contributions that China, 
> a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, has made in maintaining
> peace and stability in the whole world, southeastern Europe included.
> Reaffirming its position on the Taiwan issue, Yugoslavia stated that there is only 
> China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and that the government of
> the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government of China, according
> to the communique.
> Regarding Yugoslavia as an important factor in promoting peace, stability and
> cooperation in southeastern Europe, China said it values the Balkan nation' efforts 
> maintaining internal stability and respects its policy of joining the European
> integration process.
> China will offer continued support to Yugoslavia in its efforts for re-entry into the
> international community and calls for the early and unconditional lifting of all
> sanctions against Belgrade.
> China also reaffirmed its support for respect for the sovereignty and territorial
> integrity of Yugoslavia and called for the effective implementation of the U.N.
> resolution 1244 so as to ensure that the Kosovo issue will be resolved on a just,
> permanent basis.
> Yugoslavia thanked China for providing humanitarian aid and economic assistance to it
> during its most difficult days.
> On economic cooperation, the two countries agreed to continue to implement the
> existing agreements between them. China will continue to encourage its companies to
> take an active part in the economic reconstruction of Yugoslavia and Yugoslavia will
> provide Chinese enterprises with facilities for the endeavor.
> More measures will be taken to expand cooperation in such fields as science and
> technology, culture, education, sports, environmental protection and health.
> The two nations also agreed to strengthen cooperation in fighting against organized
> crimes, illegal immigration and international terrorism.
> On Sunday morning, the Chinese foreign minister also held talks with Miroljub Labus,
> the Yugoslav deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Economic Relations.
> In the afternoon, Tang visited the ruined Chinese embassy in Belgrade and laid a
> wreath to commemorate the three Chinese journalists killed when the embassy was hit 
> a missile attack by the U.S.-led NATO last year.
> Kostunica Meets China's FM
> Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica told visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Tang
> Jiaxuan on Saturday, December 2, that it is of strategic importance for his country 
> develop relations with China.
> Briefing Tang on the latest developments of the situation in Yugoslavia, Kostunica
> said that to develop the Yugoslavia-China relationship is of strategic significance
> for Yugoslavia, as his country is aware that China plays an important role in
> establishing a fairer, new international order.
> During the meeting, Tang conveyed Chinese President Jiang Zemin's invitation for
> Kostunica to visit China and Kostunica accepted it with pleasure.
> Kostunica said Yugoslavia and China enjoy the traditional friendly and cooperative
> relations between them and bilateral relations have bright prospects for development.
> On the Kosovo issue, Tang said China strongly opposed the air campaign against
> Yugoslavia by the US-led NATO and maintains that the sovereignty and territorial
> integrity of Yugoslavia must be fully respected.
> China also maintains that the UN Security Council resolution No. 1244 should be
> carried out in real earnest and equal rights of ethnic groups in Kosovo be guaranteed
> effectively, Tang said. He also called for the early and total lifting of the
> sanctions against Yugoslavia.

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