> NY Times, December 5, 2000
> ===============
> Infectious Diseases Rising Again in Russia
> ------------------------------------------
> VORONEZH, Russia - Natalia Kostina lay flat on her back on a metal
> examining table in this city's tuberculosis hospital, staring impassively
> at the ceiling. In an instant, a doctor jabbed into her abdomen a thick
> needle attached to a syringe and pushed in a few cubic inches of air.
> A moment later the needle was withdrawn and Ms. Kostina, silent and stoic,
> got off the table and returned to her room. Her treatment was over for
> another week.
> Injecting air into the abdomen is a painful, archaic, last-ditch way to
> battle tuberculosis when medications are scarce or can no longer help. It
> has not been used in the West for decades.
> But this is Russia, where TB, once nearly under control, has become
> epidemic since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Doctors often use air
> injections to fight TB strains that resist the most commonly used drugs.
> The technique compresses infected lungs, giving them time to rest and
> Ms. Kostina, 24, was healthy until two years ago, working as a nurse at
> local prison, just a mile down the road from this hospital. There, as in
> most of Russia's overcrowded prisons, tuberculosis has been spiraling out
> of control. When she fell ill with fever and a cough, doctors quickly
> ascertained that she had caught tuberculosis from one of her inmate
> Despite months of treatment, her disease got worse. All four of the
> antituberculosis drugs she tried were powerless against it. Moreover,
> during the year she spent traveling from work to home, then into the
> hospital, then to a convalescent home, then back to the hospital, she had
> undoubtedly exposed dozens of others to her drug-resistant germs.
> Russia's political turmoil, its economic crisis and its new freedoms have
> been accompanied by a wave of old diseases. Tuberculosis is flooding the
> country, producing what some authorities are calling the world's largest
> outbreak of the drug-resistant variety, one of medicine's most ominous
> problems.
> Rates of other infections, including hepatitis, syphilis and AIDS, are
> skyrocketing. An epidemic of diphtheria swept through in the mid-1990's.
> Reports of smaller, regional outbreaks of encephalitis, typhoid fever,
> malaria, polio, pneumonia and influenza pepper the nightly news.
> Health experts describe Russia's prison system as an "epidemiologic pump,"
> continuously seeding the country with pockets of tuberculosis that can
> spread on their own. Increasingly, TB cases of Russian origin are turning
> up in the Baltic countries and even farther afield - for instance, Germany
> and Israel.
> Specialists worry that if the rising rates of infectious diseases in
> continue unabated, the country itself may turn into an epidemiologic pump,
> sending infectious diseases into the rest of the world.
> "It's not surprising to see a case here," said Barry N. Kreiswirth, a
> tuberculosis expert at the Public Health Research Institute in New York
> City, "but it's a good reminder that it doesn't take much for one person
> be a vector and start an epidemic."
> An Old Scourge Made New
> Tuberculosis is hardly new in Russia. It ravaged the country in the 19th
> century and the first half of the 20th. But before the Soviet Union fell
> was finally being brought under control, through major government effort
> and expense. Infection rates, though roughly three times higher than in
> United States, were falling in parallel with those in Europe and developed
> countries elsewhere.
> This victory bred "a tremendous pride on the Russian side," said Dr. Mario
> Raviglione, coordinator for TB activities at the World Health Organization
> in Geneva.
> That has changed.
> With thin budgets, government health programs are no match for infections
> given new momentum by increasing poverty, stress, alcoholism, overcrowding
> and intravenous drug use.
> Mortality from infectious diseases has not reached third world rates here.
> Last year, infections were estimated to account for 2 percent of all
> But that is still four times higher than in most developed nations. "The
> total cost of infectious diseases in Russia is not that great," said
> McKee, an expert in Russian public health at the London School of Hygiene
> and Tropical Medicine, "but the important thing is that it is going up and
> up and up." As AIDS becomes more firmly entrenched, that cost is expected
> to rise even faster. Deaths due to tuberculosis alone rose 30 percent in
> 1999.
> In the days of the Soviet Union, the powerful Sanitation and Epidemiology
> Service, or "SanEp," sought out infectious diseases and stamped them out
> with compulsory vaccinations and annual disease screenings: chest X-rays
> for tuberculosis, blood tests for syphilis. People suspected of harboring
> infection were removed from society for as long as it took to guarantee
> that they were no longer contagious. The SanEp tactics were brutal -
> were often taken from their families and hometowns for months to years -
> but they were effective.
> "Now, instead, we have human rights," said Alla Loseva, the Voronezh
> tuberculosis hospital's deputy chief doctor, rolling her eyes. SanEp is
> a poorly funded shell of its former self. Its job has fallen instead to
> doctors like Ms. Loseva, struggling to contain the epidemic with minuscule
> budgets and skeletal staffs.
> A colleague, Dr. Galina Chervanova, said that when she arrived at the
> hospital in 1987, "there was even talk of eliminating TB completely."
> "Now we are not even close to that anymore," added Dr. Chervanova, the
> hospital's deputy chief superintendent. "The number of sick people has
> risen, and we are seeing many, many difficult, chronic cases."
> Full article at: http://www.nytimes.com/2000/12/05/science/05INFE.html

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