Intelligentsia revolts as Putin brings back Soviet anthem
Amelia Gentleman in Moscow
Wednesday December 6, 2000

A group of influential Russian film-makers, writers and musicians expressed
their disgust yesterday at President Vladimir Putin's decision to resurrect
the national anthem of the Soviet Union.
An open letter published in the daily newspaper Izvestiya marked the latest
controversy in a prolonged search for appropriate symbols to represent
post-communist Russia.

This week the Duma is expected to approve a bizarre mixture of soviet and
tsarist emblems as the official iconography of new Russia, including the old
anthem, (with new, as yet undecided verses), the tsarist two-headed eagle as
the state coat of arms, and the pre-revolutionary tricolor as the national

Designed as a compromise package to ensure a sense of continuity with all
the conflicting strands of Russia's past, this solution was championed by Mr
Putin. But its announcement prompted the outrage of members of the liberal
intelligentsia, who said it caused "revulsion".

Alexander Alexandrov's stirring anthem was written in 1943, when much of
European Russia was under German occupation, and the Soviet dicta tor Joseph
Stalin gave it his personal approval. As statues of Lenin toppled with the
collapse of communism in 1991, it was abandoned by former president Boris
Yeltsin and the hunt began for a replacement.

Music by the 19th-century composer Mikhail Glinka was taken up, but
politicians could not agree on suitable words and most people said the score
was not sufficiently rousing.

Yesterday's open letter stressed that reviving Alexandrov's music would be
wounding to the memory of the victims of soviet political repression. Even
stripped of the original text, the tune alone was too redolent of Russia's
painful Bolshevik past. "No new lyrics will ever be able to erase the words
attached to it that for ever glorify Lenin and Stalin.

"Because we have a memory, we are convinced that it will not be possible to
join seamlessly the history of Russia to the history of the Soviet Union
without. The seams are there and they still drip blood."

The head of the Russian orthodox church, Patriarch Alexei, gave unexpected
support to this former hymn of atheism, which he said represented
"continuity with the soviet era, which of course was a terrible tragedy, but
during which there was also a lot of good".

In a separate development, relations between Russia and its neighbour
Georgia became further strained yesterday when the Kremlin imposed visa
restrictions on travel between the two countries.

Russia said the measure was introduced as a result of Georgia's continuing
lax control on the passage of rebel fighters across its mountainous border
with the separatist republic of Chechnya.

(c) Guardian Unlimited

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